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우리나라 선박투자회사의 성과에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 김경연 - 2017-02-22T06:46:54Z - 2017-02-22T06:46:54Z - 2005 - 56823-07-21 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The shipping industry is highly capital intensive because of the price of the ships is very high, thus requiring substantial amount of capital investment. It is also a sector where international competition is very fierce. The shipping industry requires large scale of capital commitment. On the other it is very stable and ships which are assets secured by financed capital are characterized by high level of marketability. Accordingly financing funds from others is easy and actually level of dependence upon other's capital is relatively high. For this reason, for the operation of the shipping industry which is capital intensive, securing capital is the most essential factor. Accordingly in order to maintain the shipping industry and pursue continuous growth, it is necessary not only to satisfy the desire of shippers in a changing business environment, but also required to heighten competitiveness among shipping firms. To this end securing funds is considered essential more than anything else. Ship Investment Company Law has introduced systems of mutual funds dedicated to ships as seen in advanced maritime transportation such as the K/G Fund of Germany and the K/S Fund of Norway. With the introduction of this system if ship investment funds are revitalized through direct participation by ordinary investors then it will be possible to transform the shipping industry from a private industry dominated by certain individuals to a public industry which is participated and monitored by people. The Ship Investment Company System in our country will invigorate shipping finance of domestic shipping companies which sustained reduction of aggregateness tonnage since the foreign exchange crisis in 1997. It will become a foundation for our country as we move the forward as a center for shipping finance in Northeast Asia in the 21st century. Additionally it will work as a catalyst for transforming the shipping industry from a technology and capital intensive industry to a knowledge and information oriented industry. With such facts, we attempted to analyse the results of investments by individual ship investment companies in our country which are operating under ship investment company systems recently. Through this study it will be possible to find out the status of investments by ship investment companies in the shipping finance field through looking at the overall status of operations and transaction of such companies and by examining there structure, contents of specific financing of fund, firms targeted for such investments and there rate of dividend profitability. Based on such status of the investment we carried out analysis of investment result of ship investment company by means of Market Adjusted Rate of Return Method for measurement of short-term record since the date of listing of individual ship investment company incorporated in our country. This kind of study is believed to be helpful not only in finding out achievements of the shipping investment company, whose systems were introduced to Korea in 2002, but also for drawing out helpful information in order to develop this system in the future. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 1 제2절 연구의 목적 5 제3절 연구의 방법 및 구성 6 제2장 직접금융과 선박자금조달 8 제1절 직접금융시장을 통한 선박자금조달 8 제2절 독일의 K/G 펀드 10 1. K/G 펀드의 개요 10 2. K/G 펀드의 운영구조 11 3. K/G 펀드의 활성화 요인과 최근 선박투자 동향 12 제3절 노르웨이의 K/S 펀드 14 1. K/S 펀드의 개요 14 2. K/S 펀드의 운영구조 14 3. K/S 펀드의 선박투자 활성화 요인과 최근 투자동향 16 제4절 K/G 펀드와 K/S 펀드의 차이점 및 시사점 18 1. K/G 펀드와 K/S 펀드의 차이점 18 2. K/G 펀드와 K/S 펀드의 시사점 19 제3장 우리나라 선박투자회사제도 21 제1절 선박투자회사제도의 의의 21 1. 선박투자회사의 개념과 의의 21 2. 선박투자회사제도의 목적 23 3. 선박투자회사제도의 거래구조 25 4. 선박투자회사제도의 운영시스템 27 5. 해운시장에서 선박투자회사의 기능 35 제2절 선박투자회사 수익창출의 이론적 근거 37 1. 재무구조 및 투명성에 의한 수익창출 37 2. 전문성과 규모의 경제에 의한 수익 창출 38 3. 선박투자회사제도의 수익성 규모 40 제4장 우리나라 선박투자회사의 자금조달 및 투자현황 42 제1절 우리나라 선박투자회사의 개황 42 1. 동북아 1호~9호 선박투자회사 42 2. 아시아퍼시픽 1호~9호 선박투자회사 55 3. 개별 선박투자회사의 관계회사 현황(해외자회사) 71 제2절 선박투자회사의 사업현황 73 1. 자산운용의 기본방침(투자방침) 73 2. 투자와 관련된 위험 74 3. 이익 등의 배당방법 81 4. 자산평가 및 공시방법 81 제3절 우리나라 선박투자회사의 자금조달 및 투자현황 82 1. 동북아 1호~9호 선박투자회사 82 2. 아시아퍼시픽 1호~9호 선박투자회사 90 제4절 우리나라 선박투자회사의 최근 동향 및 시사점 99 1. 선박투자회사 전체 자금조달 규모 99 2. 선박투자회사와 관련된 최근 동향 및 시사점 103 제5장 우리나라 선박투자회사 투자성과 108 제1절 선박투자회사의 성과 측정 108 제2절 선박투자회사의 성과 측정 결과 110 제6장 결 론 118 참고문헌 121 1. 국내자료 121 2. 외국자료 123 3. 인터넷 검색 자료 124 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 선박투자회사의 성과에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Performance of Ship Investment Companies in Korea -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kim -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kyung-Yeon -
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