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우리나라 저축은행의 정책변화에 따른 부실원인 및 발전방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 정재영 - 2017-02-22T06:47:12Z - 2017-02-22T06:47:12Z - 2016 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Korean savings banks have a 43-year history starting in 1972 and have an important position to represent very popular financial institutions for the public. Through the historical streams of these banks, they had experienced very high growth periods for some periods and the suffering periods of restructuring due to the insolvency causes for the other periods. Financial institutions’ insolvency problems incurred the direct harms to the customers and depositors transacting with these banks. The government officials injected the public funds for their bailout and were criticized for the wastes of people’s tax which should be used for the national welfare. The main objectives of this study is to trace out the insolvency causes of the Korean savings banks and to suggest the policy alternatives to prevent this crises. It is suggested that large scale savings banks should be transformed into local commercial banks and obtain the flexibility through M&A. Also this study recommends the policy alternatives such as the improvement of the governance structure, the owning patterns of these banks and the internal control and inspection function strengthening. The current savings banks recently have finished the structural adjustment and have been stabilized with the recovery of the business environments. But they have the most importantly vital tasks to enlarge their abilities to deal with the changes of the external financial environments effectively. In the short run, they have the tasks to solve the problems such as the reducement pressures of the limited maximum interests, the appearance of the specialized banks based on the Internet, and the extension of the P2P markets. The their long run tasks are to predict the future of the fintech industry development, and to prepare for the ever-changing business environments. To cope actively with the external environment changes, necessary policies are to strengthen the internal potential abilities and to enhance the suitable policy responsibility of the inspection institutions. The government should play roles to induce and guide these banks to overcome these difficulties and not to repeat the phenomena to bog down to the insolvency bondages. This study tries to focus on the government policies’ directions and effectiveness related to the environmental changes surrounding the savings banking industry in Korea. Also this study suggests the long run and stable development plans for the Korean savings banks. Toward the other sides of this discussion, we have a future research direction to analyse the Korean savings banks using statistical and econometric methods. With the shortage of the statistical data, this study has many restraints not to compare these banks consistently due to many changes of this industry, the repetitive exits and entrances of these banks and the different business environments between national and local savings banks. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1.1 연구의 목적 1 1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법 2 1.2.1 연구의 범위 2 1.2.2 연구의 방법 3 1.3 연구의 구성 3 2. 저축은행(舊. 상호신용금고)의 발전과정과 구조조정 경과 2.1 상호신용금고의 출범기 5 2.1.1 출범배경 5 2.1.2 상호신용금고의 탄생 8 2.1.3 출범초기의 구조조정 12 2.2 상호신용금고의 성장기 13 2.3 구조조정 추진경과 18 2.3.1 2011년 이전 18 2.3.2 2011년 이후 18 2.4 최근의 구조조정 현황 19 2.4.1 부실저축은행 정리현황 19 2.4.2 재편현황 21 2.4.3 규모별, 특성별 저축은행 구조 전망 23 3. 정부의 정책변화와 저축은행의 부실원인 및 결과와 최근 동향 3.1 부실발생 과정과 시대적 구분 27 3.2 저축은행에 대한 정책변화의 문제 28 3.3 저축은행 부실원인 30 3.3.1 은행의 여신금지업종에 대한 제한 폐지 30 3.3.2 예금보호한도 상향 조정 31 3.3.3 저축은행 명칭 변경 32 3.3.4 소액대출 활성화 조치 35 3.3.5 저축은행 계열화 허용 35 3.3.6 8.8클럽 여신한도 완화 36 3.3.7 시장자율 M&A 37 3.4 부실결과 39 3.4.1 여신완화 정책과 PF대출의 부실 39 3.4.2 계열화 허용과 대형화에 기인한 부실 42 3.4.3 예금보호한도 상향 등과 대주주 및 경영진의 모럴헤저드 44 3.5 저축은행산업의 현안 및 해결과제 45 3.5.1 명칭변경 재론 46 3.5.2 예금보험료 인하 46 3.5.3 일본계 자금의 저축은행 투자 및 영업강화 48 3.6 저축은행산업의 최근 동향 및 향후 전망 49 3.6.1 최근 동업계 동향 49 3.6.2 향후 전망 52 4. 발전방안 4.1 정책의 역할 61 4.2 발전방안 62 4.2.1 대형저축은행의 지방은행 전환 62 4.2.2 합병의 유연성 확보 64 4.2.3 소유와 경영의 분리와 내부통제 강화 65 4.2.4 지배구조 개선 66 5. 결 론 69 참고문헌 72 (부록) 1. 권역·자산규모별 총자산 추이 77 2. 저축은행 주요 경영지표 추이 82 3. 저축은행 영업한도 83 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 저축은행의 정책변화에 따른 부실원인 및 발전방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
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