우리나라 항만개발에 있어 친수공간 확보에 관한 연구
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 柳美賢 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T06:47:36Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T06:47:36Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2002 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 56797-10-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002173961 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/9820 | - |
dc.description.abstract | The major ports around the world are trying to build not only durable environmentally sound ports but also create a nice waterfront area which goes with the port. and we should not over look these world trends. Thus, the aim of this study is to convert modern cognition and this study began on the faith that the systematic development of waterfront space can act on a continuous energy of port competition. Chapter 1 is an explanation of the purpose of the study, Chapter 2 is an explanation of the terms that were used in the study. In chapter 3, we study about the examples of foreign development waterfront, In the case of the U. S. and Europe was focused on they redevelopment of ports and in the case of Japan, we focused on the insurance of the waterfront that goes with the port institution during this development process between the new-port and the new-city. In our country, we can compare both cases. The necessity of both new developments and redevelopments is appears right now and will continue to appear in the future. In chapter 4, we will discuss the present conditions of ports, for example the port development policy of Korea and the presence of waterfront space, in regard to the ports as well as study for the waterfront plans in Korea. In Korea all kind, of development and investment planners in ports is taken by the central government. In Korea, the actual results for waterfront area assistance is quite low but because of the ports function and redevelopment plans, the demands for waterfront area inside of port will increase. And in chapter 4, there is a waterfront area plan that regarded to new port development and an old port redevelopment. Korea has a plan to develop a waterfront area by investing one trillion two hundred eighty two billion won in all the main ports till 2020. In chapter 4 we study about the desirable direction of port waterfront development and the necessity for this development. Finally, in chapter 5, is a conclusion to this study. In the case of Korea, redevelopment of and new development to port are happening to the came time. And the management of the ports can be converted from government control to the PA (Port Authority). So, the participation of citizen will be more magnified. In all of these plans, the nations of waterfront should not be excluded. We have to follow the previous success of other developed countries and develop a waterfront that is good for our environment, and for this, special effort and studies are required. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 목차 제1장 서론 = 9 제2장 항만친수공간의 개념적 고찰 = 11 제1절 항만의 정의와 기능 = 11 1. 항만의 정의 = 11 2. 항만의 요건 및 기능 = 12 제2절 워터프런트(Waterfront)의 정의 및 유형 = 15 1. 워터프런트의 정의 및 범위 = 15 2. 워터프런트의 기능 및 유형 = 19 3. 워터프런트의 개발형태 및 입지에 따른 분류 = 24 4. 개발방식에 따른 외국의 항만 워터프런트 개발 = 27 제3절 항만친수공간의 개발배경 및 시설 = 28 1. 친수공간의 일반적 개념 = 28 2. 법·제도적인 측면에서의 우리나라의 친수공간 = 31 3. 항만친수공간의 의의 및 개발 배경 = 33 4. 항만친수공간의 시설유형 및 건설되는 시설 = 38 제3장 외국의 항만친수공간 개발사례 = 45 제1절 외국의 항만친수공간 개발유형 = 47 1. 보전 = 47 2. 재개발 = 48 3. 신개발 = 49 제2절 외국의 항만친수공간 개발사례 연구 = 50 1. 미국의 항만친수공간 개발사례 = 51 2. 일본의 항만친수공간 개발사례 = 60 3. 유럽의 항만친수공간 개발사례 = 70 제4장 우리나라 항만친수공간 개발계획 = 78 제1절 우리나라 항만개발 정책 = 79 1. 우리나라 항만 현황 = 79 2. 항만개발투자 현황 및 계획 = 81 제2절 우리나라 항만친수공간 확보계획 = 83 1. 항만친수공간 현황 = 83 2. 항만친수공간 투자계획 = 84 3. 유형별 항만친수공간 개발계획 = 86 제3절 항만별 친수공간의 개발계획 = 89 1. 부산항 = 90 2. 인천항 = 105 3. 기타 항만별 개발계획 = 113 제4절 항만친수공간 개발과제 및 발전방향 = 127 1. 항만친수공간 개발과제 = 127 2. 항만친수공간 발전방향 = 134 제5장 결론 = 142 | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 | - |
dc.title | 우리나라 항만개발에 있어 친수공간 확보에 관한 연구 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Study on Sceuring the Waterfront in Port Development of Korea | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
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