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우리나라 港灣管理의 포트 오소리티 體制로의 轉換에 관한 硏究

DC Field Value Language 朴景姬 - 2017-02-22T06:47:41Z - 2017-02-22T06:47:41Z - 2001 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract A port authority system has been regarded as one of the efficient ways of port administration. The Korean government is thus now planning to introduce such a system into the port of Pusan and Inchon. Although it is not a satisfactory level, an agreement on the basic frame of the Port Authority(PA) has been reached between the concerned organizations in Korea. There were various opinions as to concrete establishment of the PA between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries (MOMAF), which has a responsibility for port management in Korea, and the Local Authorities, which are guaranteed to partly participate in the PA. The initial plan for the establishment of the PA has to be changed partly by not the logical and rational consideration but the negotiations between the interests that have an interest in the PA. The aim of this study is thus to examine opinions disclosed on the structure of the PA between MOMAF, Pusan city and Inchon city by analysing and reviewing the reports and discussions with the Promotion Committee. In addition, this thesis is to find out the reasons why they have different views and opinions over the establishment of PA and to analyze how such conflicting opinions will influence on the operation in future of the PA. On the basis of the above research, this study suggests a more rational proposal to establish the PA not from the result of the negotiation between the interested parties, which have involved in the process of establishment of the PA, but from the viewpoint of principles. The most efficient proposal on the establishment of the PA for Korean port administration, is suggested as follows : 1. Order of Port to Introduce Preferentially, the Pusan port and Inchon port introduce the PA system in advance and then the other ports such as Pohang, Ulsan, and Kwangyang port do the system year by year. 2. Name and Feature of the PA 3. Mission of the PA The function of the port development and operation which has been performed by various public bodies previously should be transferred to the PA. 4. Donation of the State-owned and National asset to the PA After allowing free of charge for the state owned assets for 5 years they should be purchased by the long term payment method. 5. Constitution and the Duty of Committee 1) Right to appoint and dismiss of Member The Right to appoint and dismiss members of PA should be given to the PA. 2) Arrangement of Seating 10 more and less committee member is suitable. 3) Organization of Member 5 member should be appointed by the Chief of the Local Authority and the other 5 member by the government. 4) Term of Service If the seating is arranged by 10 members, the term of service should be 5 years and every year 2 members are substituted. 5) Qualification of Member It is reasonable to exclude the following person -
dc.description.abstract - Unable to perform his or her duty due to his or her health - Abuses his or her Right - Judged of guilty with more than penal servitude, including a stay of execution - Deprived of his or her qualification 7) Payment for Member The half of member shall receive payments as a full-timer and the other half non payments. 8) Right and Duty of the Committee The PA as the highest institute of making decisions has the rights to decide the main policies, to supervise the execution of the policies, to legislate rules, and to appoint and dismiss member of the board. 9) Decision The chairman of the PA shall represent the committee and preside meetings. The decision is will be made by majority of votes. 6. Other Member 1) President The president shall be appointed by the committee with 3 years service term and can be reelected. He or She shall have the responsibility for executing the general affairs of the PA. 2) Several Member of the Board Several member of the board shall be nominated by the president and appointed by the committee with 3 years service term. They can be reappoined and assisted the president. 3) Auditor 2 auditor shall be appointed and each of them shall be appointed by the government and the Local Authority, respectively. 7. Status of the Member in terms of the Criminal Law It is desirable for the member to have the same liabilities with a public official in terms of the criminal law. 8. Financial Account 1) The independent profit system under the corporate account method shall be introduced. 2) The right to issue public loans or the right to borrow operating funds shall be provided. 3) The government shall provide a subsidy at the beginning of about 5 years to compensate any losses. When the PA has an ability to make profits, the independent profit system shall be introduced. 9. Relationship between the Government and the Local Authority The port development plan shall be approved by the government and the Local Authority, but the other interventions shall be excluded as much as possible. 10. Adjustment of the City and the Port Development Plan It is obliged in legally for the experts to attend for city and port development plan. -
dc.description.abstract - National Assembly Member - Council Member of Local Governments in the year - Officials in charge of Port Construction Office in the year - Executive of the company or a person who is in the same or higher position - A committee member who corresponds to each article mentioned above shall resign. 6) Dismiss of the Committee Member Committee Member can be dismissed by the following reasons -
dc.description.tableofcontents ABSTRACT = ⅴ 제 1 장 서론 = 1 제1절 연구의 필요성과 목적 = 1 제2절 연구방법 및 구성 = 2 제3절 연구의 범위 = 5 제 2 장 포트 오소리티의 의의와 선행연구 = 8 제1절 포트 오소리티의 의의와 특성 = 8 1. 포트 오소리티의 의의 = 8 2. 포트 오소리티의 특성 = 11 제2절 포트 오소리티로의 전환에 관한 우리나라의 선행연구 = 14 1. IBRD 교통조사단의 보고서 = 14 2. 항만관리제도의 공기업화에 관한 연구 = 14 3. 부산항 컨테이너 전용부두 건설자금을 위한 IBRD 차관의 신청 = 15 4. 민주화 및 지방화시대와 포트 오소리티 도입주장 = 17 5. 전국경제인연합회(1997)의 연구보고서『항만의 경쟁력 제고 과제』 = 18 6. "새로운 항만개발 및 관리제도의 구축방안" 발표 = 20 7. 1998년 가립회계법인의 경영진단 = 21 8. 1999년 정부(해양수산부)의 포트 오소리티 도입결정 = 22 제 3 장 주요국과 우리나라의 항만관리제도 = 23 제1절 항만관리제도의 유형과 추세 = 23 1. 항만관리형태의 주요유형 = 23 2. 항만의 소유와 운영의 분리 = 25 3. 항만의 민영화 = 27 제2절 주요국의 항만관리제도 = 32 1. 미국 = 32 2. 프랑스 = 38 3. 영국 = 40 4. 일본 = 42 제3절 우리나라 항만관리제도의 연혁과 문제점 = 45 1. 항만관리제도의 변천 = 45 2. 항만관리의 문제점 = 48 제 4 장 제안된 포트 오소리티의 비교분석 = 50 제1절 제안된 포트 오소리티 = 50 1. 해양수산부 제안 = 50 2. 부산광역시 제안 = 51 3. 인천광역시 제안 = 52 4. 해양수산부안의 변화 = 52 제2절 제안된 안의 비교분석과 협의 = 55 1. 포트 오소리티의 명칭 = 56 2. 포트 오소리티의 소속 및 감독기관 = 58 3. 포트 오소리티의 의사결정체계 및 임원 구성 = 64 4. 포트 오소리티의 관할구역 및 업무범위 = 68 5. 기존항만시설의 포트 오소리티로의 이관에 따른 제 문제 = 76 6. 포트 오소리티의 독립채산제 원칙과 중요 공사에 대한 정부지원문제 = 78 7. 포트 오소리티와 중앙정부 및 지방자치단체와의 관계 = 79 제 5 장 최적의 포트 오소리티 전환 방안 = 81 제1절 포트 오소리티의 기본 방향 = 81 1. 항만자치의 원칙 = 81 2. 독립채산제의 시행 = 81 3. 철저한 원가주의에 입각한 요금체계(수익자부담의 원칙) = 82 4. 개발자금차입의 자유화 = 82 5. 철저한 실수요자 임대제 = 83 6. 인사 및 자치의 독립성 보장 = 83 제2절 최적의 포트 오소리티 전환 방안 = 83 1. 대상항만 = 84 2. 포트 오소리티의 성격 및 명칭 = 85 3. 관장업무의 범위 = 85 4. 국·공유재산의 포트 오소리티에의 출연 = 86 5. 정관에서 정할 사항 = 89 6. 항만위원회의 구성 및 업무 = 90 7. 기타임원 = 95 8. 위원 및 임직원의 형사법상의 신분 = 97 9. 재무회계 = 98 10. 국가 및 지방자치단체와의 관계 = 101 11. 도시계획과 항만계획의 조정 = 102 제 6 장 결론 = 106 제1절 요약 및 결론 = 106 제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 = 109 참고문헌 = 110 부록 = 115 1. 해양수산부 연구보고서 = 115 2. 부산광역시 연구보고서 = 131 3. 인천광역시 연구보고서 = 148 -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 港灣管理의 포트 오소리티 體制로의 轉換에 관한 硏究 -
dc.title.alternative (A) Study on the Introduction of Port Authority System for Port Administration into Korea -
dc.type Thesis -
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