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유류오염사고 손해보상금의 신속한 지급방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 이영섭 - 2017-02-22T06:49:39Z - 2017-02-22T06:49:39Z - 2011 - 56961-10-28 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract If an oil spill accident from a tanker occurs at sea, the resulting damage would be colossal. Moreover, if the accident occurs near coastal area, local residents would have to face formidable damage and pain. Therefore, the International community jointly responds to this issue under international conventions (Civil Liability Convention and Fund Convention) so that the victims of oil spill accidents may be compensated adequately. Meanwhile, the contracting states have made relevant conventions into the national laws respectively. The principle of relevant conventions is to impose an obligation on the shipowner and the IOPC Fund so that they should made limitation funds to facilitate adequate compensation to the victims of oil spill accidents. Meanwhile, the victims can receive their compensation through an legal action in the court of the Contrating State. But the shipowner, the IOPC Fund and the government could have the right of subrogation against the right of claimant. In the cases of oil spill accidents in the world, the government of contracting state trends to intervene in the compensation. However, according as the victims and government focus on the result of assessment from the IOPC Fund, the role of the court which possess the jurisdiction to action for compensation continue to diminish than the role of the IOPC Fund. So, the majority of victims are mis-understanding as if the result of the assessment by the IOPC Fund is the result of the compensation. But the assessment by the IOPC Fund is nothing but a proposal for settlement with the claimants. The court of contracting state has only the right to make decision for the compensation. Therefore, It should be recognize that the swift legal proceeding is essential for the rapid progress of the compensation. Furthermore, if the government needs to intervene in regard to compensation, it is the best way to exert the right of subrogation against the claimant's rights. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법과 범위 3 제2장 유류오염사고에 관한 국제협약 6 제1절 현행 국제협약의 형성과정 및 보상체계 6 제2절 1992년 민사책임협약 11 제3절 1992년 국제기금협약 15 제4절 2003년 추가기금협약 23 제3장 유류오염사고에 관한 국내법 27 제1절 유류오염손해배상보장법 29 제2절 선박소유자책임제한절차법 35 제3절 허베이스피리트호 유류오염사고 피해주민의 지원 및 해양환경의 복원 등에 관한 특별법 40 제4장 손해보상 신속화를 위한 국내외 정부의 노력 사례 48 제1절 프레스트지호 유류오염사고 사례 48 제2절 허베이 스피리트호 유류오염사고 사례 55 제5장 손해보상 지연 발생 요인 70 제1절 국제기금 사정에 대한 인식 오류 70 제2절 국제협약 원칙을 벗어난 지원활동 70 제6장 결 론 72 제1절 요약 및 결론 72 제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후과제 74 참고문헌 75 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 유류오염사고 손해보상금의 신속한 지급방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on a Swift Compensation Method for the Victims of Oil Spill Accidents -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Lee -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Young-sub -
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