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유엔 集團安全保障體制와 平和維持活動에 관한 國際法的 考察

DC Field Value Language 金昊春 - 2017-02-22T06:50:06Z - 2017-02-22T06:50:06Z - 2001 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Two ideological camps of the free and the communist world have retrained the 20th century, but the revolution - the unification of East and West German and the Collapse of USSR - which occurred in the end of 80's came out the watershed of the post-cold war era. The political system in the name of cold war came down. Owing to a new composition times coming, the desire of world peace was the important interest with concrete plans which human begins want. In the ravages of World War Ⅱ, people experienced many mottos of war, and these mottos was based on the birth of the United Nations as all-out security. But the complete control about the disputes surrounding nation, religion, territory, political power among nation was beyond it's capacity. The United Nations was founded, in the words of its Charter, "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war." Meeting this challenge is the most important function of the Organization, and, to a very significant degree, it is the yardstick by which it is judged by the peoples it exists to serve. Over the last decade, the United Nations has repeatedly failed to meet the challenge -
dc.description.abstract it can only create the space in which peace may be built. Moreover, the changes that this paper recommends will have no lasting impact unless Member States summon the political will to support the United Nations politically, financially and operationally to enable the United Nations to be truly credible as a force for peace. In other words, the key conditions for the success of future complex operations are political support, rapid deployment with a robust force posture and a sound peace-building strategy. Every recommendation in the present report is meant, in one way or another, to help ensure that these three conditions are met. The need for change has been rendered even more urgent by recent events in Sierra Leone and by the daunting prospect of expanded United Nations operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These changes - while essential - will have no lasting impact unless the Member States of the Organization take seriously their responsibility to train and equip their own forces and to mandate and enable their collective instrument, so that together they may succeed in meeting threats to peace. They must summon the political will to support the United Nations politically, financially and operationally - once they have decided to act as the United Nations - if the Organization is to be credible as a force for peace. In the paper, the author has addressed itself to many compelling needs for change within the United Nations system. The author's views its recommendations as the minimum threshold of change needed to give the United Nations system the opportunity to be an effective, operational, twenty-first century institution. The Department of Peacekeeping Operations would be substantially reinforced and restructured, while other departments supporting peace operations would also be strengthened. In addition, Establishment of the Executive Committee on Peace and Security Information and Strategic Analysis Secretariat, Strengthening of the Electoral Assistance Division of the Department of Political Affairs and of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to strengthen the ability of the Office to implement tasks. The Object of this work shall be to make analysis the United Nations, a device in order to solve world peace problems and peace-keeping operations, and this report shall investigate the actual condition of peace-keeping operations with powerful countries as the central figure and consider the Korean counterplans about the participation problem in international peace-keeping operations. That is, I shall examine into the peace-keeping operations of UN. but in order to construct of new world order, the post-cold war era and composition, the peace-keeping operations of UN must be opened to various fields at the hands of military action in past, and take into account the formation of new world order which we will seek. I believe that this recommendations fall well within the bounds of what can be reasonably demanded of the Organization's Member States. Implementing some of them will require additional resources for the Organization, but I do not mean to suggest that the best way to solve the problems of the United Nations is merely to throw additional resources at them. Indeed, no amount of money or resources can substitute for the significant changes that are urgently needed in the culture of the Organization. While building consensus for the recommendations in the present report, we have also come to a shared vision of a United Nations, extending a strong helping hand to a community, country or region to avert conflict or to end violence. -
dc.description.abstract and it can do no better today. Without significant institutional change, increased financial support, and renewed commitment on the part of Member States, the United Nations will not be capable of executing the critical peacekeeping and peace-building tasks that the Member States assign it in coming months and years. There are many tasks which the United Nations peacekeeping forces should not be asked to undertake, and many places they should not go. But when the United Nations does send its forces to uphold the peace, they must be prepared to confront the lingering forces of war and violence with the ability and determination to defeat them. For preventive initiatives to succeed in reducing tension and averting conflict, the Secretary-General needs clear, Strong and sustained political support from Member States. Furthermore, as the UN has bitterly and repeatly discovered over the last decade, no amount of good intentions can substitute for the fundamental ability to project credible force if complex peacekeeping, in particular, is to succeed. But force alone cannot create peace. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 第 1 章 序論 = 1 第1節 硏究目的 = 1 第2節 硏究範圍 및 方法 = 4 第 2 章 유엔의 集團安全保障 體制 = 4 第1節 유엔과 集團的 安全保障 = 6 1. 유엔의 創設과 目的 = 6 2. 集團的 安全保障의 槪念 = 8 3. 憲章上의 集團的 安全保障 性格 = 10 第2節 國際 紛爭의 解決 = 11 1. 紛爭解決에 관한 憲章上의 規定 = 11 2. 平和的 解決方法 = 14 (1) 紛爭의 非司法的 解決 = 14 (2) 사법적 해결 = 18 (3) 국제기구에 의한 해결 = 22 3. 유엔에 의한 制裁措置 = 26 (1) 안전보장이사회 = 26 (2) 총회의 조치 = 28 第3節 유엔의 集團的 安全保障의 失敗原因 = 29 1. 特別協定에 관한 交涉失敗 = 29 2. 安全保障理事會의 平和維持 機能 痲痺 = 30 (1) 拒否權 制度 = 30 (2) 평화를 위한 단결결의 = 30 第 3 章 유엔의 平和維持活動 = 32 第1節 平和維持活動의 意義 = 33 1. 평화유지활동의 誕生 背景 = 33 2. 平和維持活動의 定義 및 機能 = 34 (1) 평화유지활동의 定義 = 34 (2) 平和維持活動의 機能 = 36 3. 평화유지활동의 一般的 特性 = 37 第2節 PKO의 變遷過程 = 41 1. PKO 設置 現況 = 41 2. 平和維持活動의 變化 = 42 (1) 제 1세대 平和維持活動 = 42 (2) 제 2세대의 平和維持活動 = 44 (3) 제3세대 平和維持活動 = 45 第 4 章 평화유지활동의 事例 分析 = 50 第1節 成功한 평화유지활동 事例 = 50 1. 제 1차 유엔 비상군 (UNEFⅠ: UN Emergency ForceⅠ) = 50 2. 유엔 사이프러스 평화유지군(UN Peacekeeping Force In Cyprus) = 52 3. 유엔 나미비아 독립지원단 (UN TAG UN Transition Assistance Group In Namibia) = 53 4. 캄보디아 과도 행정 기구 (UNTAC : UN Transition Authority In Combodia) = 55 第2節 失敗한 平和維持活動 事例 = 56 1. 콩고유엔군 (ONUC -
dc.description.tableofcontents UN Interim Force In Lebanon) = 58 3. 유엔 보호군 (UNPROFOR : UN Protection Force) = 59 4. 소말리아 유엔작전 (UNOSOM: UN Operation in Somalia) = 61 5. 시에라리온 평화협정이행감시단(United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone:UNAMSIL) = 63 第3節 코소보 事態 = 65 1. 코소보 事態의 原因 = 65 2. NATO軍의 유고공습 = 67 3. 코소보 平和案 採擇 過程 = 69 4. 코소보 사태에서 나타난 국제법상 문제점 = 71 (1) 나토攻襲의 正當性 問題 = 71 (2) 國際人道法을 違反한 不法行爲 = 78 (3) 민간주민에 대한 비인도적 행위 = 81 (4) 戰犯裁判 = 85 第4節 동티모르 事態 = 90 1. 東티모르 槪觀 = 90 2. 紛爭의 特徵 : 原因과 性格 = 91 3. 紛爭의 展開 過程 = 92 第 5 章 平和維持活動의 問題點과 向後展望 = 98 第1節 平和維持活動의 問題點 = 98 1. PKO 基本原則의 再檢討 = 99 2. 평화유지활동의 法的 根據 問題 = 101 3. 人權侵害 問題 = 101 4. PKO 運用制度 및 節次上의 問題點 = 103 (1) 재정문제 조달 및 예산지원의 문제 = 103 (2) 군수지원의 문제 = 105 (3) 지휘 통제의 문제 = 106 第2節 平和維持活動의 向後 展望 = 108 1. 유엔의 機能强化 = 108 2. 人權尊重을 위한 國內問題 干涉 = 109 3. 유엔 常備體制 (Standby Arrangement)推進 = 111 第 6 章 헌장 개정 등을 통한 平和維持活動의 强化 = 113 第1節 안전보장이사회의 효율성 증진 및 의결의 적법성 확보 = 113 1. 안보리 이사국 의석수의 확대문제 = 115 2. 안보리 상임이사?뮌? 개편 = 117 3. 안보리 구조 개혁의 현실적 보완책 및 그 비판 = 118 4. 거부권제도의 개혁 = 120 (1) 거부권제도의 성립 = 120 (2) 거부권의 濫用 = 121 5. 거부권제도 改革의 현실적 보완책 = 123 (1) 逆拒否權의 問題 = 124 (2) 역거부권의 보완책 : 약정적 표결방식의 채택 = 125 6. 안전보장이사회 의결의 사법심사를 통한 적법성 확보 = 126 (1) UN헌장 및 국제사법재판소 규정 = 127 (2) 학설 = 128 (3) ICJ의 입장 = 128 第2節 事務總長 및 事務局의 役割 强化 = 133 第3節 유엔傘下機關과 地域機構間의 協力 = 136 1. 유엔내에서의 협조 = 136 2. 지역기구의 역할강화 = 137 3. 유럽안보협력기구(OSCE) = 138 第4節 안보리와 총회의 새로운 關係 定立 = 141 第5節 財政確保를 위한 制度摸索 = 146 第6節 平和維持活動의 原則遵守 = 148 第7節 國際司法制度의 活用 = 149 第 7 章 結論 = 153 -
dc.description.tableofcontents UN Operation In The Congo) = 56 2. 유엔 레바논 잠정군 (UNIFIL -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 유엔 集團安全保障體制와 平和維持活動에 관한 國際法的 考察 -
dc.title.alternative (A) Legal Study on the U.N Collective Security System and the Peace Keeping Operation -
dc.type Thesis -
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