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유엔해양법협약상 분쟁해결제도에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 배수경 - 2017-02-22T06:50:15Z - 2017-02-22T06:50:15Z - 2011 - 56959-08-17 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract In recent times, due to rapid development of maritime science technologies and the establishment of newly independent countries, the tensions among countries have been intensified in using and controling many types of the sea. According to complicated maritime circumstances being surrounded by the international maritime system, international disputes related to the ocean have been increasing and the need for a new revision on the existing maritime system is needed Developed countries in the field of maritime are trying very hard to analyze and authorize the matters internationally that could affect maritime policies, industries and economic structures. and which are an effort for reflecting the benefit of nation in international agreements involving in the ocean. Korea is also observing the settled conventions in order to be adapted for rapidly changing maritime system and to improve domestic law system as a member of international maritime society. The UN convention on the Law of the Sea which is a comprehensive and overall on the sea has played important roles in establishing and maintaining orders at the sea which is full of potentially occurred disputes. Especially the system for settling disputes Under the UN convention on the Law of the Sea is being recognized as a unique system for enhancing the value of the UN convention on the Law of the Sea. However a new law under the convention on the law on the Sea would also means that this could raise many disputes on interpretation or applications of The UN convention on the Law of the Sea and there are chances that the sharp conflicts among the nations can be grown to a great extent This study is focused on how international maritime disputes were settled through both general way and unique way based on the UN convention on the law of the sea politically and judicially. Especially, it is also focused on the role of ITLOS and unique analyzing methods of settling international disputes. Firstly, disputes on the Law of the Sea indicate that they could be caused by both the interpretation and the usage of the sea. they also indicate the disputes regarding on water jurisdictions and waters away from jurisdictions. With regard to the methods for resolving international maritime disputes cases, there are both ways to handle them in politically and judicially. Considering varieties and specialties, the UN convention on the Law of the Sea provides with special process and system As a dispute settlement process under the UN convention on the Law of the Sea, there are the International Tribunal for the Law of the sea(ITLOS), the International Court of Justice(ICJ), the Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA), and the Special Court of Arbitration. Especially ITLOS is mainly dealing with the maritime related conflicts among the nations After the research on the methods for dispute settlement cases and research on the organization and jurisdiction of ITLOS, I found out that the guidelines in choosing the Court-case to settle the dispute by force are ambiguous. Also, the effort for resolving budget management problems and effort for taking transparency in organizing trial members of ITLOS are apparently needed. It is also necessary to apply various dispute cases to ITLOS which is neither based on a few fields, nor based on only small scope of judgements. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 2 제2장 국제해양분쟁의 국제법적 개념 4 제1절 국제해양분쟁의 의의 4 제2절 국제해양분쟁의 성질 5 1. 해양관할수역 관련 분쟁 5 2. 국가관할 수역내 활동 관련 분쟁 9 3. 국가관할권 이원의 활동 관련 분쟁 13 제3장 국제해양분쟁의 일반적 해결방안 15 제1절 정치적 해결방안 15 1. 교섭 15 2. 중개 25 3. 사실조사 30 4. 조정 35 5. 국제조직을 통한 해결방법 38 제2절 사법적 해결방안 45 1. 중재재판 45 2. 상설중재법원 50 3. 국제사법재판소 51 4. 지역적 사법재판 60 제4장 유엔해양법협약상 분쟁해결방안 61 제1절 해양분쟁해결제도의 연혁 및 해결구조 61 1. 해양분쟁해결제도의 연혁 61 2. 유엔해양법협약상 분쟁해결구조 65 제2절 ITLOS의 구성과 관할권 74 1. ITLOS의 구성 74 2. ITLOS의 관할권 78 제5장 ITLOS의 최근 분쟁해결사례 및 개선방안 85 제1절 ITLOS의 최근 분쟁해결사례 85 1. Camouco호 사건 85 2. Monte-Confurco호 사건 89 3. Grand Prince호 사건 91 4. Volga호 사건 93 5. Juno Trader호 사건 95 6. Hoshinmaru호 사건 98 제2절 향후 개선방안 100 제6장 요약 및 결론 103 참고문헌 109 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 유엔해양법협약상 분쟁해결제도에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study of the Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-02 -
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해사법학과 > Thesis
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