Recently, according to the advance of technological skills, robots many parts of our life. As such, the study has been proceeding to adapt in the real life the intellectual robot which was used only in the space probe or deep ocean probe. ‘MITSUBISHI‘ Laboratory in Japan has predicted in its prediction materials of 1999 that in 2020, robot market will account for I.4 trillion dollars which will be equivalent to IT and BT market and every household have one robot. With the advancement of this intellectual robot industry, the pioneer countries such as Korea('Crubo' by Samsung Electronics, 'Robosense' by Basicrobot Co., Ltd), USA('Rumba' by Irobot Co.,), Sweden('Trilobite' by ELECTRO LUX Co.) and Japan etc have developed and supplied the robots for cleaning up. This is because there has been prediction of the increase in the demand of personal robot due to the change in life pattern recently.
Recently, there has been a lot of construction of the super high-rise buildings like apartments with their wall being glasses. In case of high rise building in particular, the cleaning expenses takes a great portion in its building maintenance overhead. Cleaning the glass walls of the building is very risky. It is not even easy to secure the manpower for cleaning the glass walls and this fact contributes to the development of the most of robots.