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정기용선계약에 관한 입법론적 연구

DC Field Value Language 심상도 - 2017-02-22T06:59:13Z - 2017-02-22T06:59:13Z - 2012 - 56987-11-06 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Korean law has been rarely adopted as governing laws in settlements of disputes in shipping business even by their domestic shipping companies notwithstanding Korea is one of major shipping countries in the world. In fact, shipping companies usually agree to English law as a governing law of their shipping contacts regardless of their locations and nationalities. One of main reasons for this is that most of standard forms of shipping contracts are drafted on the basis of English common law whereas Korean law is based on civil law system. Accordingly, constructions on certain clauses of standard forms of shipping contracts by Korean law would not be more effective and practical than the construction by English law. Another main reason is that English law has extensive case laws on shipping disputes which have been accumulated for centuries when England was a superpower shipping country. As a result, parties to shipping contracts can foresee their legal position on contracts with certainty under English law which makes their business stable in terms of legal risk. For these reasons, English law has been chosen as governing law by parties. Thus, there have been not many disputes on shipping contracts such as time charterparties under Korean law and this gives less chances to Korean law society to have extensive experiences. This again makes Korean law less preferred by shipping companies who has no alternative but to settle their disputes under English law in a distance country with heavy burden of expenses and language obstacles. In view of the above mentioned, it is necessary and important to study time charterparty in terms of legal nature, legislations of other countries and Korean law and English law comparisons on construction of a standard form of time charter party(“New York Produce Exchange Form 1946”). On the basis of results of this study, it would be possible to set up more practical Korean legal fabric in respect of time charter to meet the country's demand as a major shipping country. For this, current articles relating to time charter in Korean commercial code shall be reviewed in order to see whether it is necessary to amend or make additional new articles. In the course of such study, it would be useful to take account of viewpoint of English law on construction of time charterparty since English law is most preferred governing law in time charter in the world. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 第1章 序說 1 第1節 硏究의 目的 1 第2節 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 3 第2章 定期傭船契約의 意義와 主要標準書式의 構成 6 第1節 意義 6 Ⅰ. 槪念 6 Ⅱ. 立法動向 8 第2節 法的 性質 11 Ⅰ. 序說 11 Ⅱ. 우리나라에서의 論議 12 1. 混合契約說 12 2. 海技·商事區別說 14 3. 運送契約說 14 4. 特殊契約說 15 5. 檢討 16 Ⅲ. 日本에서의 論議 19 1. 純運送契約說 20 2. 變態的 運送契約說 20 3. 禁反言說 20 4. 混合契約說 21 5. 類型說 21 6. 企業賃貸借說 21 7. 判例의 傾向 22 Ⅳ. 英國法에서의 法的 性質 22 第3節 主要標準契約書式의 構成 24 Ⅰ. 標準契約書式의 種類 24 Ⅱ. BALTIME書式의 構成 25 Ⅲ. NYPE書式의 構成 27 Ⅳ. 其他 標準書式의 構成 28 1. SHELLTIME 4 28 2. SUPPLYTIME 2005 28 第3章 定期傭船契約의 成立과 效力 30 第1節 契約의 成立 30 Ⅰ. 契約의 當事者 30 Ⅱ. 契約의 成立時期 32 1. 請約과 承諾 32 2. 條件附 重要事項의 合意 34 第2節 對內的 效力 36 Ⅰ. 契約違反의 效果 36 1. 債務性質에 따른 效果 37 2. 履行拒絶的 違反 39 3. 履行期到來前의 履行拒絶 40 4. 履行의 强制 43 Ⅱ. 프러스트레이션 46 1. 意義 및 效果 46 2. 船舶의 滅失 49 3. 船舶의 運航遲滯 51 4. 過重한 經濟的 損失 52 Ⅲ. 債權의 提訴期間 55 1. 短期提訴期間 55 2. 貨物에 대한 債權의 提訴期間 56 3. 其他 法定債權의 提訴期間 60 第3節 對外的 效力 61 Ⅰ. 意義 61 Ⅱ. 現行法上 對外的 責任 63 1. 一般的 責任原則 63 2. 船舶衝突責任 64 3. 油類汚染責任 66 4. 小結 67 Ⅲ. 英國法上 對外的 責任 68 1. 一般的 責任原則 68 2. 船舶衝突責任 69 3. 油類汚染責任 71 第4節 立法論的 改善方案 72 Ⅰ. 船舶所有者의 定義 72 Ⅱ. 履行期到來前의 履行拒絶 74 Ⅲ. 契約의 自動終了 75 Ⅳ. 債權의 提訴期間 76 第4章 船舶所有者의 權利·義務 80 第1節 船舶所有者의 權利 80 Ⅰ. 船舶撤收權 80 Ⅱ. 求償請求權 88 Ⅲ. 優先特權 91 1. 運送物에 대한 留置權 91 2. 再運賃에 대한 優先特權 96 第2節 船舶所有者의 義務 101 Ⅰ. 船舶의 提供義務 101 1. 船舶의 特定 101 2. 船舶의 明細 103 Ⅱ. 船舶의 引渡 및 狀態維持義務 104 1. 船舶의 引渡時期 104 2. 船舶의 引渡狀態 107 3. 船舶의 狀態維持 110 第3節 立法論的 改善方案 113 Ⅰ. 船舶所有者의 運送物留置權 等 113 Ⅱ. 傭船料의 延滯와 契約解止 等 116 Ⅲ. 船舶所有者의 堪航能力義務 120 第5章 定期傭船者의 權利·義務 123 第1節 定期傭船者의 權利 123 Ⅰ. 船舶使用權 123 Ⅱ. 船荷證券의 發行請求權 125 1. 船荷證券上 運送人의 確定 126 2. 定期傭船者의 署名代理權 129 3. 船長의 船荷證券署名義務 130 4. 定期傭船者가 發行한 船荷證券의 效力 135 Ⅲ. 船舶에 대한 優先特權 137 第2節 定期傭船者의 義務 139 Ⅰ. 傭船期間의 遵守義務 139 1. 傭船期間의 確定 140 2. 마지막 航海 141 3. 船舶의 返還 145 Ⅱ. 安全港 指定義務 150 1. 意義 150 2. 不安全港指定의 效果 151 3. 過失相計 154 Ⅲ. 供給 및 費用負擔義務 156 1. 一般原則 157 2. 燃料油供給 158 3. 船積·積付 및 揚陸費用 159 Ⅳ. 傭船料支給義務 167 1. 傭船料의 支給 167 2. 傭船料의 控除 173 Ⅴ. 船舶優先特權의 不設定義務 181 第3節 立法論的 改善方案 183 第6章 結論 185 參考文獻 194 附 錄 : New York Produce Exchange 1946 標準契約書式 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 정기용선계약에 관한 입법론적 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Legislation of Time Charterparties -
dc.type Thesis - 2012-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Shim Shang Doe -
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