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中國의 港灣政策과 주요 港灣 效率性에 대한 分析

DC Field Value Language JinXing - 2017-02-22T07:02:36Z - 2017-02-22T07:02:36Z - 2006 - 56822-12-26 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The main China has experienced a far faster economic growth than expected since it's government announced the Reform and Open Policy in 1978. This Policy encouraged the foreign investment to flow into China. It is generally recognized that this foreign investment has played a decisive role in transforming the economic system and promoting the economic growth. Especially this investment is intensively being made in the economic special area which is authorized by Chinese government. As the economy grows rapidly, three economic special areas-Zhujiang(珠江) Delta Area, Changjiang(長江) Delta Area, Bohai(渤海) Bay Area-is being developed into the agglomeration area which attracts all kinds of producton factors including labor, capital and technology connected to manufacturing industry, financial market and R&D center etc., which leads to the creation of increasing returns to scale. So it is never accidental that the ports is well constructed and operated in this 3 areas. This paper focuses on the estimation of the efficiency of 8 biggest ports which exists in 3 areas, considering the change of the port policy which is oriented toward competitive system. As a tool of measurement of analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is utilized. What I found through the estimation is as follows. First the port policy based upon competitive system increases the port efficiency on the whole. Second the efficiency of the ports in Bohai Bay Area, reached the highest level, compared with other 2 areas in 1990 and that of the ports in Zhujiang Delta Area in 1999 and that of the ports in Changjiang Delta Area in 2004. Third Qingdao port is the most efficient in Bohai Bay Area and Shanghai port in Changjiang Delta Area and Shenzhen port in Zhujiang Delta Area. Forth, the bigger the scale of the port, the more efficient in China. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 = 1 1.1 연구의 배경 = 1 1.2 연구의 방법 = 3 1.3 연구의 목적 = 3 1.4 연구의 구성 = 4 제2장 중국 경제성장과 국제해운시장의 변화 = 6 2.1 중국의 경제성장 전략 = 6 2.1.1 외국 대중국 직접투자의 현황 = 7 2.1.2 국경간 광역집적지역 형성 = 9 2.1.3 경제성장과 무역 추이 = 15 2.2 중국의 등장과 국제해운시장의 변화 = 18 2.2.1 국제해운시장 구조변화 = 18 2.2.2 국제해상항로의 변화 = 23 제3장 중국의 항만정책 = 38 3.1 중국의 항만전략 = 38 3.1.1 항만투자 외자유치 현황 = 38 3.1.2 중국항만의 컨테이너 처리실적 = 41 3.1.3 중국항만의 경쟁입지변화 = 44 3.1.4 중국의 항만개발전략 = 49 3.2 중국의 항만정책의 변화 = 51 3.2.1 국유국영단계 = 52 3.2.2 국가 지자체 공동운영체제 = 53 3.2.3 항만행정과 경영분리 및 공사화 단계 = 54 3.3 중국 항만배후지 = 56 제4장 DEA의 추정방법 = 58 4.1 효율성 기본개념 = 58 4.1.1 요소기준 효율성 = 59 4.1.2 산출물기준 효율성 = 62 4.1.3 규모의 효율성 = 64 4.1.4 수리적 설명 = 67 4.2 DEA추정모형 = 69 4.2.1 DEA기본분석방법 = 70 4.2.2 선형 DEA모형:원형적 관점 = 71 4.2.3 선형 DEA모형:쌍대적 관점 = 73 4.2.4 규모의 효율성 추정모형 = 75 제5장 DEA모형에 의한 효율성 분석 = 77 5.1 변수선정 = 77 5.2 분석대상 = 80 5.3 추정결과 및 해석 = 83 제6장 결론 = 88 참고문헌 = 90 부록 93 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 中國의 港灣政策과 주요 港灣 效率性에 대한 分析 -
dc.title.alternative An Efficiency Analysis of Chinese Main Ports Associated with Port Policy -
dc.type Thesis - 2006-02 -
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