The planing hull form is the oldest, simplest and most extensively employed member of the family of modern high speed vessel.
Appropriate application of modern technology has resulted in the development of planing hull forms which are devoid of the hydrodynamic problems. Modern planing hulls are designed to avoid the so-called "hump problems", demonstrate good behavior in a seaway, have substantial useful load fractions, and have a potential for growth up to displacements which have established them as effective members of naval units.
In recent years the philosophy in designing planing craft has moved from a preoccupation with high calm water speed to a serious effort to apply modern technology to substantially improve their seakeeping abilities.
The modern planing hull now has surprisingly good seakeeping characteristics with little deterioration in calm water performance. It is expected that the planing hull form will continue to find increasing utilization in military and commercial applications.
This study is aimed at investigating a hydrodynamic characteristics of high speed planing hull form which is based primarily upon experimental data obtained from modal tests. This results demonstrate the Design practice of high speed vessel to find design direction and to establish the actual performance.
Particularly, appendage characteristics, hull form and trim on resistance performance are analyzed.
From these results, medium sized high speed craft having waterjet propulsor was designed, and the design showed good resistance performance through the model test and numerical calculation. And also by the results of these study it provided the design concept for the medium sized high speed craft.