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퍼지 게인 스케쥴링을 이용한 선박 디젤기관의 속도 제어

DC Field Value Language 朴承洙 - 2017-02-22T07:12:31Z - 2017-02-22T07:12:31Z - 2002 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract In marine transportation, one of the most important factors is the energy saving. In order to reduce the fuel oil consumption, ship's propulsion efficiency must be increased as much as possible. The Propulsion efficiency depends upon a combination of an engine and a propeller. This situation led the engine manufacturers to design the engine that has lower speed, longer stroke and a small number of cylinders. Consequently, the variations of rotational torque became larger than before because of the longer time delay in fuel oil injection process and increased output per cylinder. As these new trends the conventional mechanical hydraulic governors for engine speed control have been replaced by digital governors which adopt the PID control or the optimal control algorithm. And the conventional PID controller has been extensively used to speed control of marine diesel engines. However, one of drawbacks is that its control performance can be degraded if the parameters are fixed on whole operating points. In this paper, a scheme for integrating PID control and the fuzzy technique is presented to control speed of a marine diesel engine on overall operating points. At first, the local PID controller is designed at each speed mode, whose parameters are optimally adjusted using a genetic algorithm. Then, fuzzy "if-then" rules combine the local controllers as a consequence part. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy PID controller, a set of simulation works on a marine diesel engine are carried out. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목차 Abstract = iii 제1장 서론 = 1 제2장 선박 디젤기관의 모델링 = 4 2.1 선박 디젤기관의 모델링 = 4 2.2 선박 주기관의 운전특성 = 7 2.3 퍼지 모델링 = 8 제3장 PID 제어기의 퍼지 게인 스케쥴링 = 11 3.1 최적화 도구로서의 유전알고리즘 = 11 3.1.1 동조 계수의 염색체 표현 = 12 3.1.2 유전 연산자 = 13 3.1.3 엘리트 전략 = 17 3.1.4 적합도 평가 = 17 3.2 RCGA 기반의 PID 제어기 설계 = 18 3.3 퍼지 게인 스케쥴링 = 21 제4장 모의실험 = 25 4.1 제어대상 시스템 = 25 4.2 제어대상의 퍼지모델 = 26 4.3 PID 계수의 최적동조 = 31 4.4 설정치 변경에 대한 속도추종 실험 = 34 4.5 외란에 대한 속도조절 성능 실험 = 39 제5장 결론 = 42 참고문헌 = 43 -
dc.publisher 韓國海洋大學校 -
dc.title 퍼지 게인 스케쥴링을 이용한 선박 디젤기관의 속도 제어 -
dc.title.alternative Speed Control of Marine Diesel Engines Using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling -
dc.type Thesis -
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