Organic clathrates is one of the potential host materials for gas storage, as they often form stable inclusion compounds with a variety of guest species over a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions. It has been reported that organic clathrates are more stable than clathrate hydrates over a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions. In this work, hydroquinone(HQ) is selected as a possible organic material to be used for storing and transporting gas. HQ clathrate is known to have ability of capturing various molecules while changing its crystal structure from α-form to the β-form at high pressures. The guest-free, CO2-loaded, CH4-loaded, N2-loaded, and CH3OH-loaded HQ clathrates were synthesized by gas-phase reaction and recrystallization process. The pressure-driven structural transformation of clathrate compounds was observed by a diamond anvil cell and Raman spectroscopy up to pressures of 10 GPa. The CO2-, CH4-, N2- and CH3OH-loaded HQ clathrates transformed into the crystalline α-form HQ at ~5GPa, and recovered to their original β-form HQ clathrates at ambient condition upon returing pressure. In contrast, the guest-free HQ clathrate remained the α-form HQ upon decreasing pressure to ambient condition after its structural transition to the α-form HQ at ~0.25GPa, indicating that the pressure-induced structural transition of the guest-free HQ clathrate is completely irreversible. This result provides a useful guide to determine the stability of structural integrity of organic clathrate compounds.