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한국기업의 한중 SCM확대에 따른 국제복합운송 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 : TAR을 중심으로

DC Field Value Language 이상환 - 2017-02-22T07:15:27Z - 2017-02-22T07:15:27Z - 2005 - 56823-03-29 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Recently, with the globalization of business and progress of the open market international manufacturing companies carry out their business activities such as procurement, production, sales and physical distribution based on logistics centers(hub). Besides many multinational companies are trying to invest and penetrate into Chinese market. As the growth of manufacturing companies conducting business in China , international transport companies are also expanding their business activities into Chinese market. Under these circumstances, the concept of SCM is becoming really important than ever when consider comparing the fees and cost of logistics. The primary purpose of this study is to construct the promotional scheme of Intermodal Transportation by SCM enlargement of Korea & China in Korean companies resulting from increasing economic trade. In order to analyze, after examining the impact of SCM enlargement of Korea & China in Korean companies on Intermodal Transportation, the author approach TAR as the counterplan. Primarily, the focus of this study is to make reasonable construction scheme of Trans-Korean Railway(TKR), the core of Trans-Asian Railway(TAR), which has been propelled by ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific). Especially, the author analyzed competitive advantage between the sea transport routes and the TAR routes via TKR from Far-East to Europe, and a demand of cargo transport, which will be transported by TKR. Then the author emphasized necessity of reasonable construction scheme of TKR. Supply chain encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw materials stage(extraction), through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows. Material and information flow both up and down the supply chain. Thus, SCM(Supply Chain Management) is the integration of these activities through improved supply chain relationships, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. In view of SCM, The development of services along northern corridor of the TAR between Busan Port and Europe offers a vintage opportunity for the railways concerned to develop and promote the image of a unified, efficient and quality conscious transport operator. To achieve this goal, TKR connecting to Trans-Siberian Railway(TSR) and Trans-Chinese Railway(TCR) will want to develop efforts on the integrated network operation of the proposed services. One of the main challenges in setting up TKR services is keeping up service quality at the desired level in a complicated international transport chain demands. Therefore, TKR must recognize full awareness of customer demands and the importance of total quality management systems among the entity in charge of developing and monitoring services. In addition, TKR should pay attention to a great degree of personal accountability and constant motivation of all partners along the whole transport chain, and care for all performance details defining the product purchased by the customer. TKR services will therefore only succeed if the railways delivery high quality services with full awareness of customer demands. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract ⅵ 제 1 장 서 론 1 제 1 절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제 2 절 연구의 내용 및 구성 2 제 2 장 한중 공급사슬의 현황 및 영향 3 제 1 절 공급사슬의 기본개념과 구성내용 3 1. 공급사슬의 개념과 의의 3 2. 공급사슬의 구성내용 3 3. 공급사슬관리와 물류와의 관계 6 제 2 절 한중 공급사슬의 현황 및 특징 8 1. 우리나라의 해외투자 및 중국투자현황 8 2. 한중 공급사슬의 확대 원인 및 발전 추세 11 3. 한중 공급사슬의 특징 17 제 3 절 한중 공급사슬확대의 영향 18 1. 중국 중심 공급사슬의 발전방향 18 2. 동북아 지역 물류이전현상 심화 19 3. 동북아 물류이전에 따른 항로구조 변화 20 4. 해상운송 의존형에서 복합운송 의존형으로 전환 20 제 3 장 아시아횡단철도(TAR) 현황 및 경쟁력 분석 23 제 1 절 아시아횡단철도(TAR)이용 현황 23 1. 시베리아횡단철도(TSR : Trans-Siberian Railway) 23 2. 중국횡단철도(TCR : Trans-Chinese Railway) 26 3. 몽골횡단철도(TMGR : Trans-Mongolian Railway) 27 4. 만주횡단철도(TMR : Trans-Manchurian Railway) 28 5. 아시아횡단철도(TAR) 북부노선 29 제 2 절 아시아횡단철도(TAR) 컨테이너운송현황 33 제 3 절 남북종단철도(TKR) 연계노선 특성 및 비교 38 1. 남북종단철도(TKR) 연계노선 38 2. 남북종단철도(TKR) 연계노선 비교 42 제 4 절 아시아횡단철도의 경쟁력 분석 43 1. 컨테이너 화물운송 조건 비교 43 제 4 장 한중 공급사슬확대에 따른 국제복합운송 활성화 방안53 제 1 절 아시아횡단철도 연계운영의 문제점 및 개선방안 54 1. 컨테이너의 표준화 54 2. 궤간차이에 대한 문제 54 3. 시설 및 차량 57 4. 유지보수시스템 57 5. 국경통과절차 57 6. 법·제도적 호환성 58 7. 운송경로의 안전성 58 8. 공컨테이너 회수 58 9. 연계운송을 위한 시설의 부족 59 제 2 절 아시아횡단철도(TAR) 활성화 방안 59 1. 대륙횡단철도와 연계한 남북한 철도망 구축 59 2. 남북철도시설 개선 62 3. 국제협력 강화 및 제도개선 63 4. 유지보수시스템 58 4. 국내 철도화물운송 활성화 63 5. 기존 해상운송 노선의 활용 66 6. 민간부문의 참여 확대 67 7. 운송화물 유치 및 운임체계 조정 68 8. 국제복합운송체제 구축 72 제 5 장 결 론 74 참고문헌 76 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 한국기업의 한중 SCM확대에 따른 국제복합운송 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 : TAR을 중심으로 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Promotional Scheme of Intermodal Transportation by SCM Enlargement of Korea & China in Korean Companies : Primarily, on the Trans Asian Railway -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Sang-Hwan Lee -
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