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항로표지와 등대친수공간 개발에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 한창수 - 2017-02-22T07:18:17Z - 2017-02-22T07:18:17Z - 2008 - 56877-07-05 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract When mankind starts sailing, Aids to Navigation have existed. Aids to Navigation that is represented to a lighthouse owe such as loneliness, yearning, wait and hope in our idea to symbolism of a derivative lighthouse in the characteristic function as substance that is familiar to our life for the long history altough it helps navigational safety for vessel. Water-familiar space that adjoins the sea has infinite possibility. There is place that is used by means to lead human life, a let-out from the blocked city and mother's bosom that soothe psyche who is hurted In the past lighthouses fulfilled a sufficient characteristic function as Aids to Navigation and should be fairly lined up to secure navigational safety in time. However, today, in a quantitative respect the growth of Aids to Navigation had achieved fairly, but lighthouses were faced in another relevent subject that is 'Lighthouses as Waterfront' development as confrontation on social needs. We need new realization for a substance, a lighthouse is to be developed by 'Lighthouses as Waterfront' as well as characteristic function of Aids to Navigation. therefore, we need wholly reappraisal about the existent government official system for Aids to Navigation policy. The solution of 'Conservation as Aids to Navigation?' or 'Development as Waterfront' can be divided into conservation, practical use or development. but, As a result the solution is ended to the development aspect of Aids to Navigation and lighthouses as Waterfront All through the history of Aids to Navigation, the transform of lighthouses that is not to provide service for mariner's safety but approach to familiar facilities for the people needs innovative found in Aids to Navigation development policy, and this may dominate the future of a lighthouse. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 1.1 연구배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구범위 및 방법 2 제2장 친수공간으로서 항로표지 5 2.1 항로표지와 등대친수공간개발의 의미 5 2.1.1 항로표지의 전통적인 개념 5 2.1.2 등대친수공간 개발의 의미 9 2.2 등대의 실체적 구성요소 14 2.2.1 등대의 형태적 구성요소 14 2.2.2 등대의 관념적 구성요소 21 2.3 현대적 관점에서 본 등대친수공간 27 제3장 항로표지 관리제도의 한계 33 3.1 해외 항로표지 관리제도 분석 33 3.1.1 국제항로표지협회(IALA) 33 3.1.2 항로표지 관리제도의 국제적 추세 37 3.2 국내 항로표지 관리제도 분석 39 3.2.1 항로표지 관련 법령 및 제규정 39 3.2.2 항로표지 관리조직 42 3.2.3 항로표지 예산 46 3.3 항로표지와 등대친수공간 관리제도의 문제점 48 제4장 항로표지 보존 및 등대친수공간 개발방향 50 4.1 항로표지의 보존 51 4.1.1 항로표지 보존의 필요성 51 4.1.2 항로표지 보존정책의 국제적 추세 54 4.1.3 항로표지 보존정책 방향 57 4.2 등대친수공간의 개발 61 4.2.1 등대친수공간 개발의 당위성 61 4.2.2 등대친수공간 개발의 논의 61 4.2.3 등대친수공간 개발정책 방향 64 4.3 등대친수공간의 미래 76 제5장 결 론 78 참 고 문 헌 80 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 항로표지와 등대친수공간 개발에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Development of Aids to Navigation and Lighthouses as Waterfront -
dc.type Thesis - 2008-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Han -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Chang soo -
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