海上旅客運送契約에 관한 立法論的 연구
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 崔源範 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T07:21:18Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T07:21:18Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2002 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 56797-10-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002174081 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/10679 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Until now carriage of goods was the central point in the field of study on the carriers under the contract of carriage by sea. But in recent years it is required that various ocean tours due to an increase of national income and leisure time. According to the prospect of experts, they forecast that the growth of tourist industry using the ocean and the activation of carriage of passengers by sea. Therefore the conflict will be occur frequently between carrier and passenger as the result of an increase of passenger ship accident. Accordingly, it is required that we should regulate a bill relating to the contract of the carriage of passengers by sea to solve the conflict on both sides. From the earliest times ships have carried passengers, but the carriage of passengers has a different legal background from carriage of goods. First, for at least a century there has been close public regulation of passenger ships. This is continued under current law which provides for substantive regulation and the issuance of a certificate of inspection to passenger ships. Second, the contract of passage carries a different basis of liability from carriage of goods. Whereas at the common law carriage of goods involved the legal concept of bailment of seaworthiness, carriage of passengers simply required the exercise of reasonable care. Thus the shipowner was under a greater duty to care for goods than for people. Even today, of course, the doctrine of seaworthiness does not apply to passengers. In General, the contract of carriage of passengers by sea is an ordinary contract for the conveyance from port to port by ship of persons, other than master, crew, owner, and latter's family or servants. It makes no difference whether the conveyance is made in liners or cargo vessels or whether it provides for a cruise, so that port of departure and port of destination are identical. Passengers claims typically involve personal injury or death as well as loss or damage to luggage. Furthermore, a passengers' claims for damages frequently give rise to conflicts of law problems. Internationally these matters are governed by the Athens Convention on the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea, 1974. The convention is designed to consolidate and harmonize two earlier Brussels Conventions dealing with passengers and luggage and adopted in 1961 and 1967 respectively. The convention establishes a regime of liability for damage suffered by passengers carried on a seagoing vessel. It declares a carrier liability for damage or loss suffered by a passenger if the incident causing the damage occurred in the course of the carriage and was due to the fault or neglect of the carrier. Namely, the convention presumes fault in the case of death or injury due to shipwreck, collision, stranding, explosion, fire, or a defect in the ship, but limits recovery to 46,666 SDRs per passenger for death or personal injury | - |
dc.description.abstract | and 1,200 SDRs for any other loss (Article VI). This right to limit is lost if the damage resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with intent to cause damage or recklessly with the knowledge that damage would probably occur (Article XIII ). Recently, International Maritime Organization(IMO)'s Legal Committee is carrying out a review of the Athens Convention, with the aim of drafting amendments to the Convention, taking into account the work of the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) in amending the Warsaw Convention, which covers liability in respect of the carriage by air of passengers, luggage and goods. The review of the Athens Convention focuss on the introduction of provision of financial security (Compulsory Insurance) as well as on other subjects such as the introduction of strict liability and the updating of limits of compensation. It is hoped that these amendments, once adopted, will encourage wider acceptance of the Athens Convention. The IMO's Legal Committee at its 82nd session in October 2000 agreed that a draft Protocol to the Athens Convention would be ready for consideration by a Diplomatic Conference during the biennium 2002~2003. The draft Protocol introduces, among other things, the requirement of compulsory insurance for passenger claims, and proposes changes to the purely fault-based liability system which is a feature of the 1974 Athens Convention. For the purpose of solving this problem, many countries have recognized the desirability of determining by agreement certain rules relating to the carriage of passengers and their luggage by sea. So they have concluded several international conventions(for example, China, Russian Federation, Greece, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom etc.). On the contrary, the Korean Commercial Code and the Amendment thereto, 1989 have only two articles with respect to the liability of the carrier of passengers and their luggage by sea. Those articles apply the provision of the carrier who carries passenger by land and the cargo by sea to this problem. The Korean Commercial Code, therefore, has no provision with respect to the liability of carrier who carries passengers by sea. But conflicts between passenger carrier by sea and passengers will be increased in proportion to the development of carriage of passengers by sea. Consequently, this study aims to propose to legislate the new act of the contract of the carriage of passengers by sea. This act will be prescribe to reorganize the provisions of the limitation of the liability of the carrier who carriers passengers and their luggage by sea and to solve promptly the conflict between carrier and passenger in connection with the passengers' claim for damages and the compensation claim for a breach of a contract of the carriage of passengers by sea. This study consists of five chapters as follows: In Chapter 1. as the introduction, it describes the background, purpose, scope and way of study. In Chapter 2, it observes basic concept and present condition on the carriage of passenger by sea. Particularly, it explains the meaning of passenger carrier and passenger and the concept of contract of carriage of passenger by sea. Besides it points out the present situation and the point at issue concerning the carriage of passenger by sea in domestic. In Chapter 3, it deals with the international convention and the legislative examples of various countries. Especially it details the contents of Article and the process of conclusion on the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea, 1961, the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Carriage of Passengers Luggage by Sea, 1967 and the Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea, 1974. In Chapter 4, it explains in details for the main contents which enact a law concerning the contract of carriage of passengers by sea to draft a bill on the basis of the materials for the former study. In Charter 5, it is suggested to draw up a bill relating to the contract of carriage of passengers by sea as proper provisions of the limitation of the liability of the carrier who carries passengers and their luggage by sea and passenger's compensation for damages. In Chapter 6, as the conclusion, it summarizes the contents of each chapter and emphasizes the requirement of legislation relationg to the contract of carriage of passengers by sea. | - |
dc.description.abstract | 833 SDRs for loss to cabin luggage | - |
dc.description.abstract | 3,333 SDRs for loss or damage to a vehicle | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 목차 Abstract = ix 第1章 序論 第1節 硏究의 背景 및 目的 = 1 第2節 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 = 3 第2章 海上旅客運送의 槪念과 現況 第1節 旅客運送의 一般的 槪念 = 5 I. 旅客運送의 意義 및 種類 = 5 II. 旅客運送人의 定義 = 7 III. 旅客運送契約의 意義 = 9 IV. 旅客運送契約의 法的 性質 = 10 1. 諾成·不要式契約性 = 10 2. 雙方·有償契約性 = 11 3. 都給契約性 = 11 4. 附合契約性 = 11 第2節 海上旅客運送의 槪念과 沿革 = 12 I. 海上旅客運送契約의 意義 = 12 II. 海上旅客運送契約의 性質 = 14 III. 海上旅客運送의 種類 = 14 IV. 海上旅客運送의 沿革 = 15 1. 古代 = 16 2. 中世 = 16 3. 近代 = 17 4. 現代 = 17 第3節 國內 海上旅客運送의 現況 및 問題點 = 18 I. 序說 = 18 II. 海上旅客運送의 現況 = 19 1. 國際海上旅客運送 = 19 2. 沿岸旅客運送 = 22 3. 크루즈(Cruise)觀光에 의한 海上旅客運送 = 25 III. 旅客船터미널·港灣施設 現況 = 27 1. 旅客船터미널 = 27 2. 埠頭施設 = 28 IV. 旅客船 安全管理 現況 = 29 V. 損害賠償責任의 問題 = 32 1. 商法上의 損害賠償責任의 問題 = 32 2. 責任原則의 變化 = 34 3. 强制保險制度의 適用與否 = 36 VI. 크루즈船內 事故類型과 問題點 = 37 1. 落傷 = 37 2. 욕실에서의 落傷 = 39 3. 構造上 缺陷 = 39 4. 계단에서의 負傷 = 40 6. 선석과 사다리에서의 負傷 = 41 7. 수영장에서의 負傷 = 42 8. 汚染된 飮食에 의한 負傷 = 42 9. ?幡熱ㅣ坪? 不履行 = 43 10. 乘下船時의 問題 = 43 11. 악천후에 대한 警告 不履行 = 44 12. 暴力行爲에 의한 事故 = 44 13. 遊覽과 觀光의 問題 = 46 第3章 海上旅客運送 관련 國際協約 및 各國의 立法例 第1節 海上旅客運送 관련 國際協約의 成立過程 = 48 I. 序說 = 48 II. 國際協約의 成立過程 = 51 第2節 1961년 海上旅客運送에 관한 國際協約 = 52 I. 協約의 成立過程 = 52 II. 協約의 主要內容 = 54 1. 用語의 定義 및 適用範圍 = 54 2. 責任의 主體 및 對象 = 55 3. 責任의 原則 및 性質 = 55 4. 責任制限 = 56 5. 訴訟과 時效 = 57 第3節 1967년 海上旅客手荷物의 運送에 관한 國際協約 = 58 I. 協約의 成立過程 = 59 II. 協約의 主要內容 = 59 1. 用語의 定義 및 適用範圍 = 59 2. 責任의 主體 및 對象 = 61 3. 責任의 原則 및 性質 = 62 4. 責任制限 = 63 5. 訴訟과 時效 = 64 第4節 1974년 旅客 및 手荷物의 海上運送에 관한 아테네協約 = 66 I. 協約의 成立過程 = 66 II. 協約의 主要內容 = 69 III. 1976년 아테네協約 改正議定書 = 70 IV. 1990년 아테네?釣? 改正議定書 = 70 V. 協約의 最近 動向 = 71 1. 改正議定書의 進行過程 = 71 2. 責任原則의 變更 與否 = 72 3. 責任制限制度의 存廢 與否 = 73 4. 强制保險의 施行 與否 = 74 5. 財政證明을 위한 電子證書의 認定 與否 = 75 第5節 各國의 立法例 = 76 I. 英國 = 76 II. 美國 = 77 III. 日本 = 78 IV. 中國 = 79 V. 우리나라 = 80 第4章 海上旅客運送契約에 관한 比較·檢討 第1節 用語의 定義 = 83 I. 序說 = 83 II. 用語의 定義 = 83 1. 意義 = 83 2. 契約運送人과 實際運送人 = 83 3. 旅客運送契約 = 84 4. 船舶 = 85 5. 旅客 = 86 6. 手荷物 = 86 7. 携帶 手荷物 = 87 8. 手荷物의 滅失 또는 毁損 = 87 9. 運送期間 = 88 10. 國際運送 = 89 III. 旅客運送約款上 用語의 定義 = 89 1. 旅客運送約款의 意義 = 90 2. 用語의 定義 = 90 第2節 海上旅客運送契約의 成立과 終了 = 91 I. 海上旅客運送契約의 成立 = 91 II. 乘船券의 發行 = 92 III. 海上旅客運送契約의 終了 = 93 第3節 海上旅客運送契約의 效力 = 95 I. 海上旅客運送人의 ?閒? = 95 1. 序說 = 95 2. 運航開始의 義務 = 96 3. 運賃 및 料金의 申告와 揭示義務 = 97 4. 食事提供義務 = 97 5. 手荷物의 無賃運送義務 = 98 6. 死亡한 旅客의 手荷物處分義務 = 98 7. 修繕中의 居處食事提供義務 = 99 II. 海上旅客運送人의 權利 = 100 1. 序說 = 100 2. 運賃請求權 = 100 3. 發航權 = 102 4. 手荷物의 留置權 = 102 5. 託送手荷物의 供託·競賣權 = 103 III. 旅客의 義務 = 103 第4節 海上旅客運送人의 損害賠償責任 = 105 I. 序說 = 105 II. 責任의 主體 = 106 1. 船舶所有者中心主義와 運送人中心主義 = 106 2. 現行 商法上 責任의 主體 = 108 3. 1974년 아테네協約上 責任의 主體 = 109 III. 責任의 原則 = 111 1. 過失責任主義 = 111 2. 現行 商法上 責任原則 = 112 3. 1974년 아테네協約上 責任原則 = 116 IV. 責任의 對象 = 118 1. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 118 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 118 V. 人的 損害에 대한 責任 = 119 1. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 119 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 121 VI. 物的 損害에 대한 責任 = 121 1. 委託(託送)手荷物 = 121 2. 携帶手荷物 = 122 VII. 高價物에 대한 特則 = 123 1. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 123 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 124 VIII. 旅客의 過失 = 125 1. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 125 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 125 IX. 責任의 制限 = 127 1. 責任制限의 趣旨 = 127 2. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 127 3. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 128 第5節 訴訟과 提訴期間 = 130 I. 請求權 競合의 問題 = 130 1. 海上旅客運送에 있어서의 請求權 競合 = 130 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 131 II. 損害通知 및 訴訟禁止 = 132 III. 裁判管轄과 仲裁 = 133 IV. 提訴期間 = 133 1. 現行 商法上의 規定 = 134 2. 1974년 아테네協約上의 規定 = 134 第6節 强制保險에 관한 規定 = 135 I. 强制保險의 必要性 = 135 II. 强制保險의 內容 = 136 第5章 海上旅客運送契約에 관한 立法提案 第1節 立法의 目的 및 必要性 = 138 I. 立法의 目的 = 138 II. 立法의 必要性 = 138 第2節 海上旅客運送契約法案의 主要內容 및 立法趣旨 = 140 I. ?툭? = 140 II. 用語의 定義 = 141 III. 海上旅客運送契約의 成立·終了 = 142 IV. 海上旅客運送契約의 效力 = 143 V. 海上旅客運送人의 損害賠償責任 = 145 VI. 强制保險 = 147 第3節 海上旅客運送契約法案의 提案 = 148 第6章 結論 = 159 參考文獻 = 161 | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 | - |
dc.title | 海上旅客運送契約에 관한 立法論的 연구 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Legislative Study on the Contract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
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