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해양환경 관련 형법규정 연구

DC Field Value Language 양진영 - 2017-02-22T07:23:44Z - 2017-02-22T07:23:44Z - 2005 - 56822-12-26 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract It steadily sticks to strengthen national regulations on marine environment on the background of the people's increasing needs and interests and the trend of enforcement of International regulations for the marine environment. The most of International conventions on the marine environment are converted into national regulations considering that the shipping's characteristic is a world wide competitive industry. However it appears unusually to result in more strict national rule than the relevant International Convention. The criminal law on the marine environment is not exist independently regime but exist a kind of punishment clause of the administration law on environment. That is why presenting absolute evidence for the violation of the environment law is very difficult. For the criminal law on marine environment is less interested of the society rather than other environment sector such as air, drinking water, noise, soil etc. the systemic approach on the criminal law of the marine environment is considered short owing to the lack of the restricted concerned interests. This study is intended to add a step to progress development of the works on the articles and review the definition and the feature of marine pollution, the pollutant and influence of marine pollution, the comparison national rule with international conventions on marine environment and the criminal rule on the marine environment. Unfortunately it is main reason to cause to marine pollution that the influx from land-based pollutant rather than from the sea activities. The GESAMP report on the pollutant resource lead to marine pollution stated that only 23% of whole resources is from the sea-related activities, the rest are from the land-based. Especially only 12% of them results from the sea transportation. But, even though the accident happened rare and the percentage in the resource of marine pollutant is not so significant, more strict regulation & responsibility for the marine pollution are imposed because oil pollution from the sea transportation leads unexpectable and intensive damage to the natural environment and economic. In this context, the national regulation on the prevention of marine pollution which is most important regulation in the area for the protection of marine environment, imposes heavy punitive clauses on the illegal act of discharge from the ships and marine facilities. However the punitive clause imposes to be seemed discriminated who the pollutant actor is. The punishments varies from 1 year or 10 million won to 5 year or 50 million won in accordance with whether the illegal actor is ship's person or marine facility's person. This difference is considered unreasonable clause to impose 5 times punishment for the same illegal act affected on the environment. On the contrary the regulations of the Japan and United States on marine pollution prevention have same punishment for the illegal actor whoever it is. Considering the benefit and protection of the criminal law on the environment is environment itself and the principle of the equity of the law, it is reasonable to impose a graded punishment in proportion with whether it is intentional or not and the scale of the pollution damage, rather than the illegal actor. My national regulations on marine environment come from the International conventions. However, there are some misunderstanding to introduce international conventions into national regulation. For example, the meaning is not discriminated "dumping" in the 1972 London Convention from "discharge" in the MARPOL 73/78 convention resulted from introduction two international convention into one national regulation and the meaning "sewage" in MARPOL 73/78 Annex Ⅳ, "garbage" in MARPOL 73/78 Annex Ⅴ and "waste" in 1972 London convention are unified as "waste" under national regulation. These misunderstandings lead unreasonable restrictions to the people compared with international convention. The regulation on the environment protection will be more strengthening and diverse in the future. The Anti-fouling substance convention regulating TBT in marine ecosystem and The Ballast Water Control and Management convention regulating transfer harmful foreign species through ship's ballast water await to take into force to the international society. In this context it is required more study on the international convention before introducing national regulation to prevent misunderstandings between two regimes and training more expert on the matter. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 第1章 序論 = 1 제1절 硏究의 背景과 目的 = 1 제2절 硏究의 方法과 範圍 = 3 第2章 海洋還境汚染의 槪念과 影響 = 5 제1절 해양환경오염의 개념 = 5 제2절 오염원에 따른 해양오염의 분류 = 7 Ⅰ. 육상기인 해양오염 = 8 Ⅱ. 선박기인 해양오염 = 9 Ⅲ. 해양투기기인 해양오염 = 11 Ⅳ. 해저개발기인 해양오염 = 15 Ⅴ. 대기기인 해양오염 = 16 제3절 해양환경오염 물질과 영향 = 17 第3章 海洋還境汚染 관련 國內外 法律 檢討 = 20 제1절 국내 해양환경오염 규제 법률 = 20 Ⅰ. 해양오염방지법 = 20 Ⅱ. 수질환경보전법 = 24 Ⅲ. 폐기물관리법 = 25 Ⅳ. 공유수면관리법 = 26 Ⅴ. 오수·분뇨 및 축산폐수의 처리에 관한 법률 = 27 Ⅵ. 기타 국내 법률 = 28 제2절 해양환경오염 규제 관련 국제법 = 30 Ⅰ. MARPOL 73/78 협약 = 30 Ⅱ. 1972 LONDON 협약 = 38 Ⅲ. 1969 INTERVENTION 협약 = 39 Ⅳ. 1990 OPRC 협약 = 40 Ⅴ. 육상기인오염으로부터 해양환경보호를 위한 범지구실천계획 = 41 Ⅵ. 밸러스트수 관리(Ballast water management) 협약 = 42 Ⅶ. AFS(Anti-fouling system) 협약 = 43 第4章 海洋還境 관련 刑法規定 = 46 제1절 해양환경형법의 범위와 특징 = 46 Ⅰ. 해양환경형법의 범위 = 46 Ⅱ. 해양환경형법의 특징 = 47 제2절 고의와 과실 = 51 Ⅰ. 과실의 개념 = 51 Ⅱ. 형사상의 주의의무 위반 = 53 Ⅲ. 민사상의 주의의무 위반 = 54 Ⅳ. 행정상의 주의의무 위반 = 55 제3절 해양오염방지법상 형법 규정 = 56 Ⅰ. 해양오염방지법 제71조 내지 제74조 = 56 Ⅱ. 해양오염방지법 제74조 제2항(폐기물 배출업 등) = 58 제4절 기타 해양환경 관련 법률상 형법규정 = 59 第5章 海洋還境關聯 刑法規定의 問題點과 改善方向 = 61 제1절 행위주체에 따른 법정형의 현격한 차이 = 61 Ⅰ. 행위주체와 법익과의 특별의무 지위 관계 = 61 Ⅱ. 외국의 관련 법률 비교 = 64 Ⅲ. 문제점 및 개선방향 = 66 제2절 행위자에 대한 과도한 법정형 = 67 Ⅰ. 양형의 출발점으로서 법정형 = 67 Ⅱ. 관련 법률의 법정형 비교 = 69 Ⅲ. 개선방향 = 71 제3절 국제협약과 국내법과의 상충 = 73 Ⅰ. 국내법과 국제법의 관련규정 차이 = 73 Ⅱ. 해양오염방지법 제33조의2 규정 해석 = 76 Ⅲ. 문제점 및 개선방향 = 79 第6章 結論 = 81 附錄 = 85 參考文獻 = 92 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 해양환경 관련 형법규정 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Criminal Law Regulations concerning marine Environment -
dc.type Thesis - 2006-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Yang -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jing-Young -
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해사법학과 > Thesis
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