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현대건축의 표피와 소통에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 고신채 - 2017-02-22T07:25:24Z - 2017-02-22T07:25:24Z - 2008 - 56879-05-22 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract On this study, surface is classified into independent object in a structure. The surface can be distinguished by perceptual surface and visible elevation it continuously radiates new sensation by object of transformed and also have a medium characteristic. So, surface building is not a one sided narrative object just like symbolic building or neon sign, it's an important factor can cause a constructive communication connected modern society, correlation. Medium has been consciously changed & developed since the beginning of civilization. Since industrial revolution, the medium interchange technology is rapid & physically expended due to the radical technical development, and these days, it became a medium which is expanded space-time. Contemporary, the change of acknowledgement to Art made the most wonderful Art, Architectural achievement(building) as a same acknowledgement methode. Architectural achievement as an Art made a multifarious comments by surface supported by development of technology & material. Technical media is based on the human's physical ability expansion and it contained various sensibility, so they recognized it various different style each other. various comments & works are happened by material & method of surface through each building & human, human & human. Those communication by surface between subject & others is consisted the various method of surface through feed-back on the artificial achievement. But the surface of modern artificial achievement was not out-broken at one time. Concept of decoration are debatable historically and it can be clear and accurate by 'Bekleidung' theory by Gottfried Semper. And the change of baroque painting & architecture by Heinrich Wolfflin is the basic theory of surface. These days, surface reflects its modernity by revised or revealed of standardized program & its blocked images. The method of expression is surface made double layer and expended it's perception range by inside situation, user's ation, media, day & night time's changes. Also it can be immaterialization by metreiral's regenerate and re-built its original charactor. The communication by surface of immateriality is maximized through various acknowledgement interpretation. On this study, we studied several discussion of surface in modern architecture's origin, and it's communicational character. Those discussion for surface should be researched and studied by modern architects and also is sparking renewed discussion on it's various experiment, analyse material changing method by relations of human & surface, architecture. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 대상과 방법 2 2. 건축물의 표피란 무엇인가 5 2.1 벽과 표피에 대한 고찰 6 2.1.1 전통적인 벽의 변형 6 2.1.2 벽의 본성과 물리적 특징 7 2.1.3 표피의 건축적 특징 8 2.2 건축물의 벽, 외면, 표피의 차이 10 2.2.1 벽, 외면, 표피의 관계 10 2.2.2 물리적인 벽 11 2.2.3 은유로서 외면 13 2.2.4 독립적 개체로서 표피 14 3. 물성의 변형과 지각적 경험 16 3.1 물성의 변화를 통한 표피의 비물질화 17 3.1.1 바로크 건축의 장식과 표피의 유사성과 상관관계 17 3.1.2 표피에서 물질의 사용 19 3.2 표피에서 유발되는 시각적 경험 23 3.2.1 상징의 시각적 재현 23 3.2.2 상징적 재현의 이미지화 25 3.2.3 이미지의 다양한 의미체계 27 3.2.4 층위로서 표피 29 3.3 물리적 표피의 다양한 실험 33 3.3.1 면의 이어짐 33 3.3.2 물질에 대한 재해석 35 3.4 건축물에서 표피의 특징 37 3.4.1 구성방식에 따른 시각적 특성 37 3.4.2 주출입구의 특성 43 4. 소통과 매체로서 표피 49 4.1 표피를 통한 주체와 객체의 지각적 소통 50 4.1.1 공간에서 지각적 소통 52 4.1.2 공간적 소통에서 주체와 객체와의 관계 53 4.1.3 표피에서 지각적 소통 54 4.2 현대성을 반영하는 표피의 매체적 속성 58 4.2.1 근대이후 인식 체계의 변화 58 4.2.2 능동적 소통대상으로서 매체 60 4.2.3 매체로서 표피의 소통적 역활 62 4.3 비물질적 표피를 통한 건축적 분위기의 극대화 65 4.3.1 물성이 반영되는 공간의 분위기 65 4.3.2 단일 요소의 반복에 의한 건축적 분위기 66 4.4 미학의 관점으로 본 예술작품으로서 건축표피 69 4.4.1 원본성과 복제, 재현된 이미지 69 4.4.2 표피를 통한 예술작품으로서 건축물 72 5. 결 론 - 건축표피의 의의 76 참 고 문 헌 77 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 현대건축의 표피와 소통에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Surface and Communication of Contemporary Architecture -
dc.type Thesis - 2008-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Ko -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Sin-Chae -
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해양건축공학과 > Thesis
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