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우리나라 導船法의 問題點 및 改善方案에 관한 硏究

우리나라 導船法의 問題點 및 改善方案에 관한 硏究
강 대 하
도선사,도선법,도선제도,도선사 시험,PILOT,pilotage,도선사의 정년,강제도선,강제도선 면제
Issued Date
한국해양대학교 대학원
99.7percent of the import and export cargoes are made by ship, and the effect of maritime transportation on Korea's trade and the national economy is very large. It is also important for the pilot to ensure the efficiency of safety navigation of the vessel and effective port operation in and out of the port. This was recognized, and Korea has also revised 26 times since it was first enacted on December 6, 1961.

In order for a ship to operate safely, the safety of the ship's traffic in the area must be secured and the efficiency of the ship's navigation system should be improved. The ship is becoming a collection of modern science and technology, and it is getting bigger and bigger. However, the port infrastructure of Korea which was designed to enter/leave the medium-sized vessels of the past, is a pretty bad situation to allow 400 meters in length over all and 200,000 tons of super container vessels. The role of the pilot to prevent the safe entry and departure of these large ships and the prevention of marine accidents became more important, along with the port-related law, the Pilotage Act and the pilotage system became important.

If the pilotage system is not safe and efficient, the maritime navigation of the waters will be dangerous, the risk of marine pollution and large-scale disasters will increase, the economic attractiveness of the waters including the port will be reduced, and the national economic competitiveness will be reduced. The maritime accidents are not only limited to the damage and sinking of the ship, but the pivotal role of the national economy due to the closure of the fairway is paralyzed, the marine pollution is caused by large marine pollution and the serious marine environment is destroyed, It can also cause enormous damage to the foreign shipping company and vessels. In order to minimize the risk of ship accident, the status of the pilot and the pilotage are regulated by law.

The current legal system that leads to bankruptcy due to accidents that may occur during the piloting, and the early retirement of the pilot are responsible for the loss of a good manpower and the national loss. The early retirement system is causing the imbalance of supply and demand of the pilot and the safety operation of the ship.

There are no restrictions on the retirement of professional workers such as pilots, patent attorneys, lawyers, customs brokers, tax accountants, and accountants, which are similar to pilot licenses, and The pilot license system, which regulates retirement by Pilotage Act only as a private business pilot, is considered to have a problem of equity with other qualification systems.

In addition, the Pilotage Act and the pilotage system of Korea were reviewed and compared with those of foreign countries. The pilot test system was revised to make practical test based on the effectiveness of ship simulation training, and the relationship with the pilotage Act and pilotage clause was examined. I would like to contribute to Korea's maritime industry by establishing stable pilotage system and safer pilotage environment by suggesting common problems and remedies of pilotage act that we learned while conducting pilot service as a Korean pilot.
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