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해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련의 효과성 제고에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisor 이은방 - 김민수 - 2019-12-16T02:48:20Z - 2019-12-16T02:48:20Z - 2018 -
dc.identifier.uri -
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dc.description.abstract Human resources are the most significant factor to contribute to the development of a country. Especially, capabilities and professional skills of governmental officials could be broadened to the competitiveness of the whole country. Among main means for the country to obtain human resources, there is a new employment of consisting members. Then, a person who was recruited is supposed to take proper education and training prior to satisfying the requirement of practical duties. Therefore, education and training which are intended for newly employed human resources are not only the basic element to educate members of government offices, but also the most important process at there. Korea Coast Guard performs various kinds of administrative duties at sea. In order for the coast guard to conduct complicating and diverse on-scene duties, the effectiveness of education and training at the stage of new recruit is essential, and this can influence a considerably large part of capabilities in the whole organization. For this reason, a research to think about how the education and training are effective into being engaged in practical performance, and a suggestion to ponder over this are very meaningful, due to their close correlations with the coast guard’s efficiency of education and training as well as the good performance of practical duties. After analysis of characteristics of coast guard’s duties, and on-scene duties which new recruit is responsible for, it was found that professional knowledge and skills concerned with marine and maritime area such as sea or a ship should be needed. When observing foreign educational institutions similar to the domestic, they seemed to have realized these characteristics already, and then they have been systematically offering on-the-job training or professional education and training programs which are concentrated on marine knowledge and ship maneuvering-related skills by maintaining those programs(more than a year). Meanwhile, since 2014, Korea Coast Guard has reorganized the contents and established professional educating programs for education and training which have high correlation with on-scene duties while utilizing a variety of training facilities during the period of total 52 weeks. However, the total period of the programs was considered not long enough to make human resources fully professional and capable of meeting on-scene requirements, and it was analyzed that the institution had too many materials to be taught in consideration of the relatively short period of time. Thus, the followings are suggested so that the effectiveness of education and training intended for new recruit can be further achieved. First of all, the curriculum of the education and training are to be modified based on basic qualifications and ship maneuvering and managing skills, and less important courses should be reduced as far as possible. Secondly, a systematic human resource management is to be formed so as to obtain competent faculty members and strengthen their capabilities. Third, the education and training for new recruit are required to be managed by an independent institution, or independent faculty members and programs in order to make sure that the professionalism and originality could be attained. Next, those training facilities and devices are required to be verified for the effectiveness, modified and improved continuously. Finally, internal movements of the organization like periodical transfer of training surveys should be followed in order to ensure effective education and training with good quality. Up to now, there have been many researches with topics related to education and training of Korea Coast Guard, which have main viewpoints from education and training of normal police officers, and few detailed research were about education and training of new recruit of Korea Coast Guard. Especially, since Korea Coast Guard Academy was newly built and moved to a new location, Yeosu, Korea, it was found out that researches had rarely dealt with specific analysis of the effectiveness regarding the new education and training system utilizing cutting-edge training facilities and devices. Therefore, this research will be definitely meaningful and significant as above mentioned.|인적자원은 나라의 발전을 위한 가장 중요한 요소이다. 공무원 개개인의 역량과 전문성은 국가의 경쟁력으로 이어진다. 이러한 국가가 인력을 확보하는 주요 수단으로 신규인력 채용을 들 수 있다. 신규인력 채용된 사람은 실제 업무를 수행하기 위해서 교육훈련을 받아야만 한다. 신규인력을 대상으로 하는 교육훈련은 공공조직에서 인적자원을 양성하는 기본임과 동시에 가장 중요한 과정이라고 할 것이다. 해양경찰은 해양에서 다양한 집행업무를 종합적으로 수행하고 있다. 이러한 복잡 다양한 현장업무 수행을 위해서는 신임과정에서의 교육훈련의 효과성이 중요하며, 조직 전체의 직무역량에 상당 부분 영향을 미친다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 해양경찰 신임순경의 교육훈련 과정이 현장의 실질적인 업무수행에 얼마만큼의 효과가 있느냐 하는 문제를 연구하고 이를 제고할 수 있는 방안을 제시하는 것은, 교육훈련의 효율성뿐만 아니라 해양경찰의 현장업무 역량과도 밀접한 상관관계가 있는 의미 있는 작업이라고 할 수 있다. 해양경찰의 업무특성과 신임순경이 담당하는 현장업무를 분석해 본 결과 해양과 선박에 대한 전문적인 지식과 기술이 반드시 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 외국의 유사 교육기관에서는 이러한 특성을 인지하고 신임교육 과정을 최소 1년 이상 유지하면서 해양과 선박운용술을 중심으로 한 전문적인 교육훈련을 체계적으로 실시하거나, 임용 후 현장교육을 체계적으로 실시하고 있었다. 해양경찰은 2014년 이후 교육훈련 내용을 개편하고, 52주의 기간 동안 각종 훈련실습 시설을 활용하여 현장업무와 상관성이 높은 전문적인 교육훈련 체계를 갖추고 있다. 그러나 업무현장에서 요구하는 전문성과 역량을 충분히 갖추기 위해서는 교육기간이 다소 부족한 것으로 보이며, 비교적 짧은 교육기간에 너무 많은 내용을 교육하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 신임순경 교육훈련의 효과성을 좀 더 제고하기 위해 다음과 같은 방안을 제시한다. 첫째, 교육훈련 커리큘럼을 기본소양 및 선박운용술 중심으로 개편하고 불필요한 과목을 과감히 축소해야 한다. 이와 동시에 신임 교육기간은 줄이고 현장 직무교육을 강화해 이를 보충해야 한다. 둘째, 우수한 교수요원을 확보하고 역량을 강화하기 위해서 체계적인 선발과 관리가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 신임순경 교육훈련 과정은 전문성과 독창성을 가질할 수 있도록 독립된 교육기관 운영 내지는 독립된 교수요원 및 과정 운영인력에 의해서 운영될 필요가 있다. 넷째, 교육훈련 시설 및 장비의 지속적인 효과성 검증과 개선·보완이 필요하다. 다섯째, 교육훈련 효과성 제고를 위한 주기적인 현업적용도 조사 등 조직의 내부적인 노력이 뒤따라야 한다. 그동안 해양경찰 교육훈련 체계에 대한 연구는 많이 있어왔지만 일반경찰 교육훈련의 연장선상에서 바라보는 시각이 많았고, 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련체계에 대한 세부적인 연구는 소수에 불과했다. 특히, 2014년 여수로 해양경찰교육원을 신축·이전한 이후, 최첨단 훈련실습 시설과 장비를 활용한 새로운 교육훈련체계에 대한 구체적인 효과성 분석은 찾아보기 어려웠다는 점에서 본 연구에 대한 의미를 부여할 수 있겠다. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1.1 연구의 배경 ······························································································· 1 1.2 연구의 목적 ······························································································· 2 1.3 연구의 범위 ······························································································· 3 1.4 연구의 방법 ······························································································· 5 1.5 연구의 기대효과 ······················································································· 6 2. 해양경찰 교육훈련의 이론적 고찰 2.1 교육훈련의 개념 ······················································································· 8 2.2 교육훈련의 목적 및 과정 ······································································· 9 2.3 교육훈련의 방법 ····················································································· 10 2.4 교육훈련의 평가 ····················································································· 11 2.5 해양경찰 교육훈련의 유형 ··································································· 13 2.6 해양경찰 교육훈련 등에 대한 선행연구 검토 ································· 14 3. 해양경찰 신임순경의 직무 및 교육훈련체계 분석 3.1 해양경찰 업무 특징 ·········································································· 18 3.2 해양경찰 신임순경 직무 ·································································· 20 3.2.1 조사 대상 ·················································································· 20 3.2.2 근무부서 현황 ·········································································· 23 3.2.1 근무부서별 담당업무 ······························································ 24 3.3 해양경찰 신임순경 업무특성 및 필요 지식·기술 ·················· 26 3.4 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련기관 현황 ········································ 29 3.4.1 해양경찰교육원의 조직 ·························································· 29 3.4.2 해양경찰교육원의 시설 ·························································· 32 3.5 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련의 기본설계 ···································· 36 3.6 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련의 세부내용 ···································· 38 4. 외국 유사기관의 교육훈련체계 비교 분석 4.1 미국 해안경비대 ················································································ 44 4.1.1 미국 해안경비대 개요 ···························································· 44 4.1.2 미국 해안경비대의 교육훈련 제도 ········································ 45 4.1.3 비간부 신임직원의 교육훈련 체계 ········································ 46 4.2 일본 해상보안청 ················································································ 48 4.2.1 일본 해상보안청 개요 ······························································ 48 4.2.2 일본 해상보안청의 교육훈련 제도 ········································ 48 4.2.3 비간부 신임직원의 교육훈련 체계 ········································ 49 4.3 중국 국가해경국 ················································································ 52 4.3.1 중국 국가해경국 개요 ···························································· 52 4.3.2 중국 국가해경국의 교육훈련 제도 ······································ 53 4.4 비교분석 및 시사점 ·········································································· 54 5. 교육훈련 만족도 및 현업적용도 조사 분석 5.1 교육훈련 만족도 조사결과 분석 ···················································· 57 5.2 교육훈련 현업적용도 조사결과 분석 ············································ 61 5.2.1 연관된 선행 설문조사 결과 검토 ········································ 61 5.2.2 현업적용도 조사 개요 ······························································ 64 5.2.3 조사결과 분석 – 학습자 특성 ················································ 67 5.2.4 조사결과 분석 – 교육훈련 설계 ············································ 70 5.2.5 조사결과 분석 – 조직환경 특성 ············································ 72 5.2.6 조사결과 분석 – 직무관련성 ·················································· 75 5.2.7 조사결과 분석 – 촉진 및 장애요인 ······································ 78 5.2.8 조사결과 분석 – 기타 건의사항 ············································ 80 5.3 시사점 ·································································································· 81 6. 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련의 효과성 제고 방안 6.1 커리큘럼(Curriculum) 측면 ······························································ 84 6.2 교수요원 측면 ···················································································· 87 6.3 교육훈련기관 조직운영 측면 ·························································· 90 6.4 교육훈련 시설·장비 측면 ······························································ 92 6.5 효과성 평가 및 환류 측면 ······························································ 94 7. 결 론 7.1 연구결과의 요약 ················································································ 96 7.2 연구의 향후과제 ················································································ 98 참고문헌 ········································································································ 100 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 해양경찰 신임순경 교육훈련의 효과성 제고에 관한 연구 -
dc.type Dissertation - 2018-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kim, Minsu -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 해양경찰학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 해양경찰학과 - Master -
dc.subject.keyword 해양경찰, 교육훈련, 신임순경, 효과성, 커리큘럼 -
dc.title.translated A Study of the Enhancement of Effectiveness of Education and Training for New Recruit of Korea Coast Guard - 000000001979▲200000000139▲200000009987▲ -
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