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선박동원에 따른 운용인력 발전방안에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisor 공길영 - 차해명 - 2022-04-08T17:43:25Z - 2022-04-08T17:43:25Z - 20210311144416 - 2021 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract In recent years, as the arms race in Northeast Asia, tensions are rising. At the base of that, neighboring countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula, such as the United States, Japan, China, and Russia, which have their own interests first, are actively making moves to expand their diplomatic and military influence externally. Among these, North Korea, which cannot afford to intervene in the high-tech arms race, has chosen a nuclear bomb, the last weapon, and is raising the level of tension on the Korean peninsula through continuous provocations such as several nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches between 2013 and 2017 after Kim Jong-un took office. As such, the security environment in Northeast Asia is rapidly changing, and the possibility of maritime disputes has surfaced in connection with island territories such as Dokdo and Ieodo, and the possibility of maritime resource development disputes over fishing rights, natural gas, and petroleum resources within the EEZ is also increasing. In preparation for such threats from North Korea and neighboring countries, Korea is advocating a national fleet and is increasing its maritime power. The Navy has continued to energize the state-of-the-art power with the aim of the Ocean Navy, and the foundation that can play a pivotal role in protecting our national interests and contributing to world evaluation in major maritime transport routes such as Dokdo and Ieodo, as well as the Malacca and Tsugaru Straits Was prepared. In addition, the power of the maritime police was mainly for coastal guards in the past, but with continuous power reinforcement, it has the ability to operate in the high seas, and in the event of a national emergency, it can play a large role as the power of the national fleet like the navy. In peacetime, Korea performs the mission of national defense as a standing force, but in the event of a national emergency, it is a reality that it is impossible to conduct a war only with standing force, and the country mobilization force is essential. Today, most countries tend to reduce standing power and increase the role of reserve power due to the burden of enormous military expenditures. Instead of cutting-edge weapons through Defense Reform 2.0, Korea is also planning to reduce standing power from 59.9 million as of 2018 to 500,000 by 2025, and is pursuing a defense policy that also refines reserve power. In the event of a national emergency, a mobilization order is declared, and civilian personnel, supplies, and ships are mobilized. In particular, the Navy mobilizes more than 800 various ships (including KFS ships) to support the standing force and is using it as a key force for naval operations, such as support for landing operations, support for coastal and amphibious logistics, and support for maritime fleet operations. The operating manpower of mobilized ships is supposed to be mobilized at the same time by the crew on board the ship, but the ratio of foreign sailors is high in most domestic ships, and the aging rate is high even for Koreans. There is a need for a more realistic alternative to management personnel. Therefore, this study investigates laws and regulations related to mobilization in Korea and the national mobilization system, and seeks to find ways to efficiently utilize the manpower for mobilization in Korea based on cases of mobilization of personnel and ships by country. In addition, by closely analyzing the embarkation service reserve system, which plays the largest role in the current mobilized ship management manpower, it is intended to present a plan to develop manpower management according to ship mobilization in case of a national emergency. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법 3 2. 해양력이 국가안보와 국가경제에 미치는 영향 5 2.1 해양력이 국가안보에 미치는 영향 5 2.1.1 해양력과 국가안보 개관 5 2.1.2 태평양 주요국의 안보 및 해양전략 8 2.1.3 북한 해양위협의 변화 전망 16 2.1.4 우리나라 해양전략 방향 18 2.2 해양력이 국가경제에 미치는 영향 21 2.2.1 한국의 해양의존도 21 2.2.2 한국의 주요 수출입 물자의 수송문제 발생 시 파급효과 23 2.3 시사점 : 우리의 전략 및 정책 방향 24 3. 동원의 개념 및 관련 법령 25 3.1 동원의 개념 25 3.1.1 동원의 정의 및 연혁 25 3.1.2 동원의 목표 및 구분 26 3.2 동원 관련 법령 28 3.2.1 국가동원 관련 법령 28 3.2.2 인원 및 선박동원에 관한 법적 근거 29 4. 국가동원체제에 대한 고찰 31 4.1 충무계획 31 4.1.1 개념 및 목표 31 4.1.2 계획체제 및 순기 31 4.1.3 충무계획 구조 및 범주 33 4.2 동원조직 35 4.2.1 동원조직의 구성 35 4.2.2 동원조직의 임무 35 4.3 동원령 선포 37 4.3.1 동원령 선포의 개념 37 4.3.2 부분동원 37 4.3.3 총동원 38 4.4 동원절차 38 4.4.1 국가동원 절차 38 4.4.2 정상동원 절차 40 4.4.3 긴급동원 절차 40 4.5 인원 및 선박동원 41 4.5.1 인원동원 41 4.5.2 선박동원 42 5. 선박 및 인원동원 사례 45 5.1 한국 45 5.1.1 흥남철수작전 45 5.1.2 장사상륙작전 46 5.1.3 연평도 포격사건 47 5.2 영국 49 5.2.1 제1ㆍ2차 세계대전 49 5.2.2 포클랜드 전쟁 50 5.3 미국 52 5.3.1 걸프전쟁 52 5.3.2 이라크전쟁 54 5.4 중국 55 5.4.1 국방교통법 제정을 통한 민간선박ㆍ인력 동원 근거 마련 55 5.4.2 군 제대한 민간선원 활용하여 군수 물자수송 훈련 56 5.5 일본 56 5.5.1 국가비상사태 시 민관 자위대 상호협력 기반 마련 56 5.5.2 미국 군대 후방 지원 57 6. 선박동원에 따른 운용인력 발전방안 58 6.1 동원 가용 선박 및 인력 분석 58 6.1.1 동원 가용 선박 추정 58 6.1.2 동원 가용 해기사 추정 62 6.2 승선근무예비역 제도의 실태 65 6.2.1 승선근무예비역의 관리 65 6.2.2 승선근무예비역의 복무 66 6.2.3 승선근무예비역의 교육 68 6.3 승선근무예비역 제도 발전방안 70 6.3.1 승선근무예비역 담당조직 신설 70 6.3.2 승선근무예비역 인원배정 개선 70 6.3.3 승선근무예비역 관련 병역법 개정 72 6.3.4 비상대비자원관리법에 의한 중점관리대상 인력 지정 73 6.3.5 병무청의 승선근무예비역 업무 담당부서 변경 74 6.3.6 승선근무예비역의 계급 상향 및 편입신분 개선 75 6.3.7 승선근무예비역에 대한 군사교육 강화 77 7. 결론 79 7.1 연구 결과의 요약 79 7.2 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 82 참고 문헌 83 -
dc.format.extent 84 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 선박동원에 따른 운용인력 발전방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Development Method of Manpower in Response to Ship Mobilization : Mainly on boarding service reserve system -
dc.type Dissertation - 2021. 2 -
dc.embargo.liftdate 2021-03-11 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Cha Hae Myoung -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 항해학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 항해학과 - Master -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation [1]차해명, “선박동원에 따른 운용인력 발전방안에 관한 연구,” 한국해양대학교 대학원, 2021. -
dc.subject.keyword 선박동원 -
dc.subject.keyword 승선근무예비역 -
dc.title.partName 승선근무예비역 제도를 중심으로 -
dc.contributor.specialty 해사기술안전전공 - 000000001979▲200000001935▲200000374581▲ -
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