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DNS에 의한 원주 후류의 유동 특성에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 강신정 - 2017-02-22T02:19:40Z - 2017-02-22T02:19:40Z - 2002 - 2006-09-01 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Flow characteristics in the wake of a circular cylinder and those of the flow past an oscillating circular cylinder are computed numerically using Direct Numerical Simulation(DNS) with a higher-order finite-difference scheme. The higher-order finite difference scheme is employed for the spatial distributions along with the second order Adams-Bashforth and the first order Backward-Euler time integration. In x-y plane, the convection term is applied by the fifth or the seventh order upwind scheme, and the pressure and viscosity terms are applied by the fourth order central difference. In spanwise, Navier-Stokes equation is applied using Spectral Method with a period boundary condition. The grid system makes use of the regular grid system and the lattice is generated by an elliptic equation. Laminar two-dimensional, time-dependent flow past a circular cylinder is numerically investigated using DNS for the low Reynolds number (Re=45~280). And two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder is also numerically investigated for the comparative high Reynolds number (Re=2000). The calculated results of drag coefficients, lift coefficients, pressure distributions, vorticity contours and other informations are compared with experimental and numerical ones. These results obtained by the present DNS show good agreement with the previous studies. Three-dimensional time-dependent flow past a circular cylinder is examined using direct numerical simulation for Reynolds number 220, 250, 280 and 300. The secondary instability leads to three-dimensionality with a spanwise wavelength about 4 cylinder diameters at onset (A-mode). At Reynolds number 259, the two-dimensional wake becomes linearly unstable to a second branch of modes with wavelength about 1.0 diameters at onset (B-mode). Results of three-dimensional effect in the wake of a circular cylinder are represented with spanwise and streamwise vorticity contours in terms of Reynolds numbers. The flow past a circular cylinder forced to vibrate transversely is numerically simulated by solving the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation modified by the vibration velocity of a circular cylinder at a Reynolds number, 164. The calculated cylinder vibration frequency is between 0.60 and 1.30 times of the natural vortex-shedding frequency. The calculated oscillation amplitude extends to 25% of the cylinder diameter and in the case of the lock-in region, it reaches to 60%. It is made clear that the cylinder oscillation gives influence on the wake pattern, the time histories of the drag and lift forces, power spectral density and phase diagrams and so on. It is found that these results include both the periodic (lock-in) and the quasi-periodic (non-lock-in) state. The vortex shedding frequency equals the driving frequency in the lock-in region but it is independent in the non-lock-in region. The mean drag and the maximum lift coefficient increase with the increase of the forcing amplitude in the lock-in state. The lock-in boundaries are also established from the present direct numerical simulation. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract ⅳ Nomenclature ⅶ 제1장 서 론 1 제2장 지배방정식 및 수치해석방법 5 2.1 지배방정식 5 2.2 계산방법 9 2.2.1 FSM (Fractional Step Method) 9 2.2.2 고차정도 차분법 10 2.2.3 경계조건 13 2.2.4 격자 생성법 17 제3장 2차원 원주 후류의 유동 22 3.1 계산조건 22 3.2결과 및 고찰 24 3.2.1 1차적 불안정 영역 24 3.2.2 3차원 천이영역에서의 2차원 유동특성 25 3.2.3 비교적 높은 Re 수에 대한 2차원 유동특성 28 제4장 원주 후류의 3차원 천이 48 4.1 계산조건 48 4.2결과 및 고찰 49 4.2.1 A-mode의 유동구조 49 4.2.2 A-mode의 스팬방향 파장 50 4.2.3 B-mode의 유동구조 51 4.2.4 B-mode의 스팬방향 파장 53 제5장 진동하는 원주주위의 유동특성 76 5.1 계산조건 76 5.2 진동항 모델링 77 5.3 결과 및 고찰 78 5.3.1 로크인 영역 및 비 로크인 영역 78 5.3.2 양력 및 항력 80 5.3.3 유동구조 81 제6장 결론 100 참고문헌 102 Appendix A Spectral Method 106 Appendix B 강제대류와 자연대류 112 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title DNS에 의한 원주 후류의 유동 특성에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Flow Characteristics in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder by Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) -
dc.type Thesis - 2002-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Shin-Jeong Kang -
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