Department of Marine Traffic Information Engineering
The Graduate School of Korea Maritime University
Pohang VTS was the first VTS in Korean Water which has been introduced in 1993 at the first time. By the development of international trade in last decades, Korean International Trade has been grown rapidly and Korean Port and Port facilities have been improved stimultaneously
finally volume of the marine traffic increased rapidly.
Presently, 15 VTS centers have serving in Korean waters and since the introduction of the first VTS Center in Korea there is not any quantitative analysis to find workload of VTS operator. First, concept of VTS and VTS personnel which has been introduced by IALA VTS Manuel (2008, Draft) has been examined.
After that Port-MIS and De-brief data have been gathered for 7 days and inbound-outbound vessels time-grt table prepared and traffic volume examined for each VTS center. Hence conversion traffic volume and dangerous vessel ratio obtained. Later on conversion controlled number obtained by denoting ratio 1.0 to directly controlled vessels by VTSO and denoting ratio 0.3 to indirectly controlled vessels by VTSO. Traffic volume, large vessel ratio, dangerous vessel ratio, dimension of VTS controlled area, marine accident occurrence frequency and communication volume of comm. log can be counted as a factor which influence to workload of VTSO.
All those factors has been examined and analysed. Finally, ship's size and dangerous vessel ratio have been chosen to derive the Number of composite conversion control for workload formula.
As a result, formula derived and by implentation of formula workload comparison between VTS centers as concrete value has been achieved.