In this experiment, A broadband Terahertz (THz) pulse was measured through a 186m long path between buildings by using a long path THz Time-Domain-Spectroscopy system. The total THz path was 186m and 158m propagating of the path subject to atmosphere influence. According to the change in weather such as amount of clouds, rain and snow, we have transmitted a broadband THz pulse and received the signal and the frequency domain of the output pulse.
When the water vapor density of the atmosphere changed from 1.1 g/m³ to 11.2g/m³, the determination of water vapor from 0.35 to 1 THz was reported. Comparing the experiments using a fast scan and a slow scan represented the shift of the time domain by the change in humidity.
This effect on the weather conditions were observed by using a low frequency band, which was to be expected that the bandwidth can be used for the THz propagation application in the future.
Another system which path is 25m and the demonstrated amplitude transmission of THz frequency domain through the indoor of laboratory with 45% relative humidity at 21 degrees Celsius have been made. As a result, It is possible to propagate into atmosphere regardless of water vapor if the THz is under 0.37THz was realized. This means that low frequency bandwidth (-0.37THz) was experienced with negligible attention and group velocity dispersion due to transmission. Such stable main pulse shape appears to be suitable for the THz bit in a digital THz communication.