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공급사슬관리에 의한 동북아 거점 항만발전전략의 적합성에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 이인수 - 2017-02-22T05:49:57Z - 2017-02-22T05:49:57Z - 2004 - 56824-05-02 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The importance of logistics business, in particular maritime transportation and port, is increasing with the rapid growth of China, which is both a threat and an opportunity for Korea. But the port development strategy to be a hub port in the Northeast Asia faces a gradual decrease of T/S(transshipment) cargoes due to trucker's strike and typhoon damage. Thus, in order for Korean ports to be a hub port in Northeast Asia, it is necessary to establish the port development strategy maximizing clients' satisfaction by quick response, low cost, high quality service, and one-stop system. Such a strategy should be carried out by the effective and efficient port supply chain optimizing client's inducement, customs clearance, freight's seamless flow, and port-related service activities. The purpose of this research is to verify the strategic fitness and relevance of the hub port strategy by SCM in Northeast Asia and to find a method to be a hub-port with a competitive edge. For this purpose, this research tries to find out major external factors and, accordingly, to build the optimal port supply chain strategy. The fitness of the hub port development strategy is analysed by structural equation model and multiple regression model. The results of the research are as follows. First, main threatening external factors to be a hub port are identified and ranked as follows -
dc.description.abstract the possibility of competing countries' development, decreasing trend of transshipment cargo and insufficiency of the facility and service of Korean ports. Second, essential factors to be a hub-port are ranked as follows -
dc.description.abstract distribution park of the port, port information system, port management system and port transport system. However, all the factors are important since average score of factors are very high. Third, the need of the port supply chain strategy is more linked with the development of the other countries' port and insufficiency of the facilities and services of Korean ports than decreasing trend of transshipment cargo. Fourth, it is shown that four types of developing strategy(port management system strategy, port transport system strategy, port distribution park strategy, port information system strategy) are to be driven in order to react to changes of external factors. Especially, port is to be developed with flexibility to respond quickly to uncertain demand changes, and various kinds of service are needed to enhance the port competitiveness. Fifth, port management system strategy and port transport system strategy are highly co-related with MPS. It shows that minimizing lead time from arrival of ship to inland transport and maximizing logistic services of each stage are important to provide optimal logistic service. Sixth, value-added port supply chain strategy is highly co-related with all the parts of port management system, port transport system, distribution park and port information system. It shows that: various value added logistic service should be put first than lower cost -
dc.description.abstract inland multimodal system should be connected -
dc.description.abstract distribution park should be connected to industry park to be port cluster -
dc.description.abstract and port information system should be developed. From the results, some implications are derived as follows. First, More investment in SOC is required (2.3%~2.6% of GDP), especially in port and railroad. Second, short and long term vision and strategy for the development of distribution park of the port are needed, and industry park should be developed to be a industry cluster for creating synergy effect with network system. Third, the institutional system is necessary to build intermodal transport system connecting airport, port, industry park, etc.. Fourth, governmental consideration and subsidy are required to bring up TPL company and human resources. Fifth, BPR(Business Process Reengineering) should be implemented and lead to single window system. Sixth, sea & air service system is needed to increase market accessibility. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구필요성과 연구목적 1 1. 연구필요성 1 2. 연구목적 2 제2절 연구내용과 연구방법 3 제2장 동북아 항만물류환경변화와 물류중심지로서 우리나라의 여건분석 5 제1절 국제물류환경과 동북아 항만환경변화 5 1. 국제물류환경의 변화 5 2. 동북아 항만환경변화와 항만물류시설 확충계획 8 제2절 동북아 물류중심지로서 우리나라의 여건분석 20 1. 물류중심지의 개념과 역할 20 2. 물류중심지로서 우리나라의 여건분석 21 3. SWOT 분석 결과 40 제3절 동북아 거점항만화의 문제점과 공급사슬전략의 필요성 43 1. 중국의 적극적인 항만개발과 물류인프라 구축 43 2. 동북아 경쟁항만들의 획기적인 물류인프라 구축과 환적화물의 감소 전망 44 3. 우리나라 항만시설 및 서비스의 미흡성 보완문제 45 4. 당면과제 해소를 위한 항만공급사슬 전략의 필요성 45 제3장 공급사슬관리와 항만공급사슬과정 47 제1절 공급사슬관리의 개요 47 1. 공급사슬(SC)의 개념 47 2. 공급사슬(SC)의 목적 49 3. 공급사슬관리(SCM)의 중요성 50 4. 공급사슬 개념의 발전과 물류사슬관리(LCM)의 중요성 51 5. 공급사슬통합 54 제2절 항만의 부가가치사슬과정과 공급사슬전략 67 1. 항만의 부가가치사슬과정 67 2. 항만공급사슬전략의 개념과 중요성 69 3. 항만의 전략적 적합성(SF) 달성조건(영향요인) 69 4. 효율적 항만공급사슬과 대응적 항만공급사슬 70 제3절 항만 발전전략과 경쟁력의 선행연구 고찰 72 제4장 동북아 거점항만 발전전략의 적합성분석과 진단 81 제1절 연구모형 설정과 변수측정 81 1. 연구모형 설정 81 2. 연구가설 설정 83 3. 변수의 조작적 정의 84 제2절 실증분석 89 1. 조사개요 89 2. 수집된 자료의 특성 91 3. 타당성분석 93 4. 신뢰성분석 98 5. 가설검정 101 6. 가설검정결과의 요약 121 제5장 결론 123 제1절 연구결과의 요약 123 제2절 연구결과의 정책적 의미와 시사점 125 제3절 연구의 공헌과 한계점 130 참고문헌 131 설문지 143 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 공급사슬관리에 의한 동북아 거점 항만발전전략의 적합성에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Hub-Port Strategy Relevance in Northeast Asia by SCM -
dc.type Thesis - 2004-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName In-Soo Lee -
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해운경영학과 > Thesis
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