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다국적기업 이전가격 평가 개선 방안 연구

DC Field Value Language 심상표 - 2017-02-22T05:56:34Z - 2017-02-22T05:56:34Z - 2013 - 57016-08-05 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The transfer price is one of the most representative business strategies of multinational enterprises to maximize their profits. Multinational enterprises transfer their profits to the countries with low tax rate through controlling international transfer price. In case of our country, to prevent this type of tax evasion, the National Tax Service has legislated and administered the 'Adjustment of International Taxes Act'. The Korea Customs Service has also adopted WTO Customs Valuation Agreement and evaluated the propriety of the transfer price. When these acts are applied, there is possibility for the taxpayer to bear double taxation because the different views between two taxation authorities in terms of transfer price generate conflicts. Thus, it is expected to take considerable time to derive practical and detailed harmonizing plans even though the OECD and the WCO try to find the harmonization between transfer price taxation system of the National Tax Authorities and the customs valuation system of the Customs authorities. So this study focuses on the customs valuation for the transfer price executed by present Customs authorities. The present customs valuation regulation prescribes that if special relation affects the transaction value in the case of trade between special relations, taxation authorities can estimate and impose the dutiable value after disapproving the declared transfer price. In this case, because the conflicts between tax authorities and taxpayer take place, regardless of what special relations affect or not, they may cause some side effects, such as increase of taxpaying cooperation price for taxpayer and waste of administration for tax authorities. To make reasonable customs valuation on transfer price, this study seeks to verify whether special relations concerned with multinational enterprises affect transfer price or not. There are two ways of judging its effect on transaction value by applying the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement and the Customs Act. One is to compare between transaction value of concerned goods and that of independent parties without special relation. The other is to implement trade status analysis concerning sale between traders. Firstly, this study suggests improvement proposals with impartial obligation after reviewing obligations between tax authorities and taxpayer as for whether special relation affects transaction value or not. Then, it suggests problems and improvement proposals after reviewing present regulation on above 2 ways of verification. Also it considers them by comparing verification regulations of major countries, such as America, Australia and Japan. This study seeks to find problems and to suggest improvement proposals in order to secure propriety and rationality of customs valuation on transfer price of multinational enterprises, focusing on the review whether special relation affects transfer price or not. Next study with more specified and rational verification method is needed to accomodate mutual accept of verification result between taxpayer and customs authorities. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위 3 1.3 선행연구의 검토 4 제2장 다국적기업 이전가격 과세논리 5 2.1 다국적기업의 경영전략 5 2.1.1 다국적기업 이전가격의 발생배경 5 2.1.2 이전가격 결정요인 10 2.1.3 이전가격 규제의 필요성 11 2.2 이전가격에 대한 과세당국의 평가제도 16 2.2.1 관세평가제도 16 2.2.2 이전가격 과세제도 20 2.2.3 양 제도의 비교 29 제3장 다국적기업 이전가격 관세평가 검증방법 31 3.1 다국적기업 이전가격 관세평가절차 31 3.1.1 특수관계 거래가격 관세평가현황 31 3.1.2 특수관계자간 거래가격 관세평가절차 32 3.2 특수관계 영향여부 입증책임 36 3.2.1 특수관계의 범위 36 3.2.2 특수관계 영향여부에 대한 입증책임 37 3.3 비교가격 검증 38 3.3.1 비교가격 검증 시 고려요소 38 3.3.2 동종·동질물품가격 및 유사물품가격과의 비교 39 3.3.3 역산가격과의 비교 39 3.3.4 산정가격과의 비교 40 3.4 거래상황 분석 검증 40 3.4.1 평가협정상의 검증방법 40 3.4.2 관세법령상의 검증방법 41 3.5 주요국의 검증규정 42 3.5.1 미국 42 3.5.2 호주 43 3.5.3 캐나다 44 3.5.4 일본 47 3.5.5 주요국 검증규정의 비교 49 제4장 이전가격 검증관련 쟁송사례 분석 54 4.1 특수관계 해당여부 및 특수관계의 거래가격 영향여부 입증책임사례 54 4.2 특수관계 해당여부 판단사례 56 4.3 정상적인 가격결정관행 57 4.4 비교가격 근접 59 제5장 다국적기업 이전가격 관세평가제도 개선방안 60 5.1 특수관계 영향여부 입증책임의 문제점 및 개선방안 60 5.1.1 특수관계 영향여부 입증책임의 문제점 60 5.1.2 개선방안 61 5.2 비교가격 검증의 문제점 및 개선방안 62 5.2.1 동종·동질물품 및 유사물품가격과의 비교의 문제점 및 개선방안 62 5.2.2 역산가격과의 비교의 문제점 및 개선방안 63 5.2.3 산정가격과의 비교의 문제점 및 개선방안 65 5.2.4 비교가격 근접여부 판단의 문제점 및 개선방안 66 5.3 거래상황분석 검증의 문제점 및 개선방안 67 5.3.1 거래상황분석 검증의 문제점 67 5.3.2 개선방안 68 제6장 요약 및 결론 77 <참고문헌> 80 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 다국적기업 이전가격 평가 개선 방안 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Improvement Strategy of the Customs Valuation of Multinational Enterprises' Transfer Price -
dc.type Thesis - 2013-08 -
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국제관세학과 > Thesis
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