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동북아 물류거점화를 위한 항만 배후 부지 구축전략에 관한 실증연구

DC Field Value Language 윤봉구 - 2017-02-22T05:59:53Z - 2017-02-22T05:59:53Z - 2005 - 56823-07-22 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract It is a crucial issue in Korea whether the country can become the center of commodity logistics when the Busan New Port, which is currently under construction, becomes a logistic hub port of the Northeast Asia. In addition to the rapid global changes in the environment of maritime commodity distribution, some of the major countries in the Northeast Asia such as China and Japan are seriously attempting at the national level to transfer their ports to logistic hub ports in the region. However, majority of the total shipping commodity at the Busan New Port includes trans-shipment cargo. Recently such trans- shipment cargo tends to decrease, which shows various uncertainties and problems for the Busan New Port to become a logistics hub port. To maintain the competitiveness of the Busan New Port the most inevitable activities are securing available resources and capabilities for the port and helping the port become a hub port by choosing the most appropriate port strategy to meet the uncertain port environment changes. It is important to secure "the 3rd commodity" by re-exporting processed and assembled commodities for the sustainable maintenance of the commodities that the Busan New Port can handle considering the uncertainties of the trans-shipment commodities. The core area to create such 3rd commodity and value-added products is a hinterland of the Busan New Port. Based on the above point of view, a hinterland strategy among the value-chain processes should include liner invitation, loading and unloading process, customs clearance, cargo flow and various optimal service activities along with helping the port develop the role of strategic location (port cluster) while creating high value-added new commodities. This research laid out the strategic factors of port hinterland and analyzed the feasibility of these strategies through field application to help the newly constructed Busan New Port become a logistic hub port to sufficiently fulfill the above listed important roles. To meet these research objectives a questionnaire was developed and distributed to gather information from government agencies which directly oversee commodity logistics policy, experts and field supervisors in commodity logistics. The questionnaire was composed of dependent and independent variables and parameters. The following statistical methods were used to analyzed the survey data. First, the reliability of each question was verified by Cronbach's a method and the feasibility of relevant variables was analyzed for their causes by the principle-component extraction method. Cause-effect relationships among the causes were analyzed by the AMOS 4.0 Structural Equation Modelling(SEM). Based on the results of this analysis the research hypothesis was verified to meet the research objectives. Analyzed in this study include the important port environment factors which affect the Korean ports to become logistic hub ports in the Northeast Asia. Considering such port environment factors a port hinterland strategy was developed to meet port competitiveness by eliminating the bottleneck phenomenon of ports. Also analyzed was the potential contribution of this strategy to the competitiveness of ports in Korea. The results and their implications from this analysis are as follows. First, to overcome three types of change in the Northeast Asian port environment -
dc.description.abstract the direction of port development policy, development methodology, and establishment strategy of hinterland. Secondly, among the three types of port hinterland strategy it was found that a development methodology which is consisted of a total of ten variables was found the most important factor. The next important factor was the government's direction of port development policy followed by the hinterland establishment strategy. All factors received higher than 5.6 out of the maximum of 7.0. This result implies that port hinterland strategy was very important and most appropriate. Thirdly, according to the results of a ranking test of the port hinterland strategy variables construction and strengthening of inter connection of highways, railroads and communication facilities were found the most important variables followed by the establishment of a port cluster which is generally associated with ports- hinterland- industrial park. And the third important variable was the close association of policy and system to provide integrated services. In summary the study found that to secure the competitiveness of ports considering the changes of the Northeast Asian port logistics environment the port hinterland of the currently constructed Busan New Port should become the center of comprehensive maritime transportation and a port cluster associated with industrial parks. It is important to provide optimal (One-stop) services, to pursue creating adequate profits, and to establish methods to create value-added products through various value-added service activities. One of the limitations in this research includes the lack of detail comparative study and information acquisition from the neighboring major competitive countries such as China and Japan and the lack of investigation and comparison of the viewpoints of the commodity logistics experts of these countries. Another limit in this research is the lack of more sophisticated and versatile analysis of port commodity logistics facilities and operational modes using field data. These limitations should be further studied to strengthen the results of this research in the future. -
dc.description.abstract declining of trans-shipment commodities, development potential of competitive ports, and inadequate port infrastructure and service the study showed that the following three types of port hinterland strategy were proven to be necessary for Korean ports to establish the foundation of logistic hub ports in the region -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract ⅵ 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 필요성과 연구목적 1 1. 연구필요성 1 2. 연구목적 2 제2절 연구방법 5 제2장 동북아 항만물류환경변화와 물류중심지로서 항만배후부지의 기능 7 제1절 국제물류와 동북아 항만환경변화 7 1. 물류중심지의 개념 7 2. 국제물류환경의 변화 8 3. 동북아 물류환경변화와 항만물류시설 확충계획 10 4. 물류중심지로서의 우리나라의 여건분석 13 제2절 항만배후부지 발전전략과 경쟁력의 선행연구 15 1. 경쟁항만들의 물류인프라 구축과 환적화물 감소전망 15 2. 동북아 물류중심기지 가능성 17 3. 항만배후부지 전략의 선행연구 21 제3장 주변항만의 배후물류부지 확보현황 30 제1절 동북아 주요 국가의 물류경쟁력 비교분석 30 1. 동북아 지역 물류활동의 특징 30 2. 각 국별 항만물류전략 및 경쟁력 비교분석 37 3. 항만클러스터와 국제여건분석 39 제2절 동북아 주요항만의 배후부지 확보실태 44 1. 싱가폴항의 배후부지 활용계획 44 2. 로테르담항만의 항만배후부지 이용실태 45 3. 중국 상해항의 배후부지 활용계획 47 제4장 동북아 물류거점화를 위한 항만배후부지 전략 실증연구 50 제1절 연구모형 설정과 변수측정 50 1. 연구모형 설정 50 2. 연구가설 설정 51 3. 변수의 조작적 정의 53 제2절 실증분석 57 1. 조사개요 57 2. 수집 자료의 특성 58 3. 타당성분석 60 4. 신뢰성분석 64 5. 가설검정 68 6. 가설검정 결과의 요약 81 7. 항만배후부지전략의 경쟁력 제고효과 인식 83 제3절 실증분석 해석 및 정책방향 85 1. 실증분석 해석 85 2. 항만배후부지 조성전략 88 제5장 결 론 90 제1절 연구결과의 요약 90 제2절 연구결과와 정책적 시사점 92 제3절 연구의 공헌과 한계점 94 참고문헌 96 부록 [설문지] 106 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 동북아 물류거점화를 위한 항만 배후 부지 구축전략에 관한 실증연구 -
dc.title.alternative An Empirical Study on the Distribution Park Strategy for Northeast Asia Logistics Hub -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Byeong-goo Yoon -
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물류시스템공학과 > Thesis
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