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동북아지역 복합운송서비스를 위한 물류네트워크 분석에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 전찬용 - 2017-02-22T06:00:06Z - 2017-02-22T06:00:06Z - 2008 - 56877-07-05 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Along with the improvement of political relations between China, Japan and Korea in Northeast Asia, its economic exchange has been increasing rapidly. In particular, China is being facilitated the expansion of logistics infrastructure and the efficiency of transportation system such as harbors, railroads, roads for strengthening and integration in connection with economic zone. In addition, Korea and Japan are being also facilitated streamling logistic system like the expansion of logistics infrastructure and computerizing harbor service in order to fulfill swift, seamless logistic system. However intra-trade in Northeast Asia has depended on transportation by sea and air due to break off with inland transportation network, the infrastructure of the harbors and airports has not been enough to handle dramatically increasing trading volume and passengers. The construction of the intercontinental logistic network that can resolve these problems is much possible through the works of the rail and road link between South and North by recent South-North economic cooperation. By Facilitating the development of sea-land intermodal transportation network through efficient connection oriented Korean peninsula, it would be able to piece out and replace inter Northeast asia logistic network centering around marine. In order to support the expansion of economic exchange among the countries in Northeast asia, it is required to build efficient logistic network which is able to reduce transportation cost and time. Consequently, this study suggested competitive of intermodal transportation network utilized TKR, at the connection of TKR that could be built transportation networks among Korea, three provinces in northeast China(Jilin, Liaonig, Heilongjiang) and Japan cities by analyzing transportation cost and time in every each route. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 = 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1 1.2 선행 연구 고찰 = 2 1.3 연구의 방법 및 구성 = 4 제2장 동북아지역 교역 및 물류 환경 변화 = 6 2.1 세계 경제의 환경변화 = 6 2.2 동북아지역 교역환경의 변화 = 8 2.2.1 동북아 3국간 교역 추이 = 8 2.2.1 동북아 3국간 교역 구조 분석 = 9 2.2.3 중국 동북3성의 경제 및 교역 현황 = 17 2.3 동북아지역 물류정책 변화 = 20 2.3.1 한국 = 20 2.3.2 중국 = 23 2.3.3 일본 = 25 2.3.4 한중일 교통물류협력 추진 현황 = 26 제3장 동북아지역 물류네트워크 현황 분석 = 28 3.1 물류네트워크의 개념 = 28 3.2 한중일 해상운송네트워크 현황 = 29 3.2.1 한ㆍ중 항로 컨테이너 운송 = 29 3.2.2 한ㆍ일 항로 컨테이너 운송 = 31 3.2.3 일ㆍ중 항로 컨테이너 운송 = 33 3.3 동북아지역 육상운송네트워크 현황 = 35 3.3.1 중국 동북3성의 운송네트워크 = 35 3.3.2 두만강지역 운송네트워크 = 36 3.3.3 남북한 운송네트워크 = 38 3.3.4 한반도종단철도(TKR)의 역할 = 39 제4장 동북아지역 복합운송네트워크 경쟁력 분석 = 42 4.1 복합운송의 개념 = 42 4.2 동북아지역 복합운송 추진 현황 = 43 4.2.1 블록트레인(Block Train) 개념 도입 = 43 4.2.2 한ㆍ일간 철도&해운 복합운송서비스 = 45 4.2.3 한ㆍ중간 트럭복합일관운송 서비스 = 47 4.3 동북아지역 복합운송 시나리오 분석 = 49 4.3.1 한ㆍ중(동북3성)간 운송경로별 비교분석 = 49 4.3.2 일ㆍ중(동북3성)간 운송경로별 비교분석 = 54 4.3.3 기존 해상운송과 복합운송의 비교분석 = 58 제5장 결론 및 향후 연구방향 = 60 5.1 결론 및 시사점 = 60 5.2 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향 = 62 참고문헌 = 63 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 동북아지역 복합운송서비스를 위한 물류네트워크 분석에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A study on the Analysis of Logistics Networks for Intermodal Transportation Services in Northeast Asia -
dc.type Thesis - 2008-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jeon -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Chan Yong -
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