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동북아 항만의 경쟁에 따른 청도항의 발전전략에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 程振(정진) - 2017-02-22T06:00:13Z - 2017-02-22T06:00:13Z - 2012 - 56987-11-06 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The trend of global economic integration become more obvious, the economic center transfer from one to another continuously, and Northeast Asia is becoming the new growth point of world's economy for its unique geographic advantage and its complementary advantages of economy day by day. The rapid development of economy and trade of Northeast Asia also make the ports in the region develop rapidly. Therefore, the competition for new international shipping center become increasingly fierce. In such a fierce competition, how to ascertain right evaluation methods to assess the competitiveness of the ports, and make scientific and rational development strategy for upgrading the overall level of competitiveness of ports in Northeast Asia, has become the first task for all the ports for coping with the challenges and achieving promoting. After nearly 60 years' building, particularly the sustained and rapid development since the reform and opening up, china has become a maritime power in the world. Ocean shipping plays an irreplaceable role in China's foreign trade. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the coastal port has undergone tremendous changes and played an important role in accelerating national economic development and opening up. With the development of China economy, the ports have been developed rapidly. As one of the main characteristics of the port's development, the port's economy can help to improve the economy of its city and hinterland effectively. Established in 1892, Port of Qingdao consists of 4 areas: Qingdao old port area, Huangdao oil port area, Qianwan new port area, and Dongjiakou port area. It is a comprehensive port, providing services of loading and unloading, storage, and logistics for containers, coal, crude oil, iron ore, grain, etc. International passenger service is also available. Having established trade relations with over 450 ports in more than 130 countries and regions across the world, Qingdao is an important hub port for international trade and sea-going transportation in China’s Yellow River region and along the west bank of the Pacific. Port of Qingdao is always ready to accommodate the largest vessels in the world. It is now the world 7th largest port in total throughput and the world’s 8th largest port in container volume. Port of Qingdao is the world’s largest port for inbound iron ore, China’s largest port for inbound crude oil, and China’s 2nd largest port for international trade. It boasts the world’s highest productivity for the handling of container and iron ore. So far, 9 of the Fortune top 500 companies have joined hands with Qingdao Port Group. Enhancing its competitiveness has a very significant role in promoting the international trade and economic growth of Shandong, North China, even of the whole country. Therefore, the research on the competitiveness of North China Ports takes Qingdao Port as the main study subject. Firstly the research makes some objective estimates of Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao Ports in North China. Then, makes some analysis on the competition situation of Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao Ports in North China, clearly confirm the position of Qingdao Port in this region and its major competitors, Secondary, on the basis of the SWOT analysis of the Qingdao Port, combined with the comprehensive and practical port competitiveness evaluation indicators system and competitiveness evaluation method, calculate the competitiveness level of Qingdao port in North China, and make strategic orientation for Qingdao Port’s goal, at last bring forward some proposals for enhancing the competitiveness of Qingdao port, namely: highlight the development of Qingdao Port’s strive to improve economy scale and the level of industrial structure of Qingdao, vigorously expand the financing channels for Qingdao Port, sequentially optimize service marketing strategy of Qingdao Port. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 4 제2장 동북아 중심항만의 경쟁분석 5 제1절 물류환경 분석 5 1. 국제 물류환경 분석 5 2. 동북아 물류환경 분석 11 3. 중국 물류환경 분석 14 제2절 동북아 중심항만의 환경변화 24 1. 동북아 중심항만의 발전 24 2. 동북아 중심항만의 현황 25 3. 항만경쟁력의 구성요소 28 제3장 북중국 주요 3대 항만의 경쟁력 비교 30 제1절 북중국 주요항만의 현황 30 1. 천진항 30 2. 대련항 35 3. 청도항 40 제2절 북중국 주요 항만의 경쟁력 비교 45 1. 항만입지 비교 45 2. 항만 물동량 및 컨테이너화물 처리량 비교 46 3. 항만시설비교 47 4. 항만비용 비교 48 제3절 청도항의 SWOT 분석 50 1. 청도항의 강점/약점 50 2. 청도항의 기회/위협 51 제4장 청도항의 발전전략 53 제1절 청도항 배후경제의 발전전략 53 1. 배후경제권의 발전의 필요성 53 2. 청도항과 배후경제권의 상호작용 55 3. 청도항의 발전 방안 57 제2절 항만물류 서비스의 제고 58 1. 항만물류서비스 마케팅의 활용 58 2. 항만 기능 전문 인력 양성 및 재교육기능 강화 60 3. 항만홍보 및 마케팅활동 강화 61 제5장 결론 63 제1절 연구의 요약 및 결론 63 제2절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구과제 65 참고문헌 66 <국내문헌> 66 <외국문헌> 66 <기타> 67 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 동북아 항만의 경쟁에 따른 청도항의 발전전략에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Development Strategy of Qingdao Port -
dc.type Thesis - 2012-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Cheng Zhen -
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