The development of Korea in the Northeast through trade is not a matter of choice as far as national strategy is concerned, but is an important national policy that is a matter of life or death which will determine the future fate of Korea. This thesis will attempt to arrive at a general, tangible plan for the development of Korea in the Northeast centered around trade by examining the change in naval environment at home and abroad, the given economic situation in the Northeast, and the present state of essential port development in Korea-China-Japan. Its objective will be to provide strategies for the development of Busan port confrontation.
For the last ten years, China has been growing at a rapid rate. Since a lot of the volume of naval trade is being transferred from Korea to China, we must do everything we can to improve the service and reduce cost. In addition, Japan also is losing international position. Japan's government and the private industry are trying to make Super Core Ports a prominent feature of their port system. If the Busan port system is to remain competitive, these aspects of the Japanese port system must be kept in mind to prevent trade from going to other ports with more competitive systems.
The Busan SWOT analysis shows that the Busan port is in a good geographic location. It is well known in the world as a world class port. The Busan port is deep enough to allow large container vessels into the port. However, the weakness of the Busan port is its shortage of port hinterland and relatively high port fees. The splitting of the one port system into two port is another area of weakness. At the same time, the Busan port is the expansion of trade due to the increased trade with China, the shortage of ports in China, and poor visibility in Yangsan port due to the high level of fog. Another advantage is the convenience of being connected to the TSR and the TCR. Busan port is faced with the threat of the high level of competitiveness in Northeast Asia. Also, the continuous development of more modern port systems in China and Japan poses another threat. Lastly, the uncertainty and anxiety of the North Korean problem poses a serious threat to the health of the Busan port.
In order to alleviate the weakness of the shortage of hinterland space, Busan must enlarge the area of port hinterland and lower the port fees. Incentive for trans-shipment container. Centralizing the port authority. Another strategy of Busan port is free trade port.
From what has been said, the increase in competition among the Northeast ports will make the survival of Busan port more difficult. Understanding of the Northeast shipping environment and understanding the present situation of the Busan port is important. Accordingly, this thesis has been written to provide strategies for the Busan port by researching documents and statistical data. The problems and solutions offered in this thesis will need to be researched further in the future.