According to the reclaiming work due to construction of No.2 Lotte world, the alternative pier is under construction in Dongsam-dong Yeongdo-gu to accomodate small boats.
As a result of that, 0-2 Anchorage used to bunkering or waiting for berth should be reduced, it is expected that the risk of passage and congestion around the anchorage could be increased because of the traffic of small boat using the alternative pier.
This study analyze traffic circumstance and weather condition of anchorage near the Busan inner fairway, and suggest improvement scheme of 0-2 anchorage and procurement of alternative anchorage in order to resolve the problem caused by reduction of 0-2 anchorage.
There are couple of ways to resolve congestion & to reduce the risk of traffic at designated area and to adjust the area of new anchorage based on the survey and analysis of weather, traffic situation, and etc.
This study suggest to enlarge the 0-2 anchorage 250m toward to inner breakwater, where is used for 0-1 anchorage for quarantine. And the anchorage can be divided into 0-1 & 0-2 to accomodate different size of ships.