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선박 건조계약상 선수금환급보증서에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 김진용 - 2017-02-22T06:18:57Z - 2017-02-22T06:18:57Z - 2012 - 56989-07-02 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract It takes considerable amount of time for a Shipbuilder to build a ship and deliver it to a Buyer, the cost of which can range from hundreds to tens of millions of dollars. Shipbuilding are carried out by making payments by a Buyer in installments, which can lead to virtual insolvency and subsequently bankruptcy or corporate rehabilitation procedure if the Shipbuilder's financial structure would deteriorate during shipbuilding process, not to mention potential danger of the Shipbuilder's debtors (other than the Buyer) motioning for forcible execution against the Shipbuilder's properties including the not-yet-complete ship itself. In such cases the Buyer, who paid huge sum of construction price in installments, bears a risk of losing the possibility of exercising his/her rights. If a Buyer signed a shipbuilding contract with a small-to-middle sized Shipbuilders, the Buyer needs to figure out a suitable way to remove such a risk, although it wouldn't be the case if the other party is a super-sized Shipbuilder with ample resources for payment. Therefore, if the Shipbuilders does not comply with the conditions set forth in the ship building contract or the ship cannot be complete due to other causes, the Buyer will demand refund of the advances. And the Buyer will demand 'Refund Guarantee' issued by a financial institute, as a security for advance refund. However, due to global economic crisis in 2008, financial health of small-to-middle sized Shipbuilders deteriorated along with collapse of BDI, HR indexes and shrinking market for newly-built ships, which led to elevated concern for cancellation of shipbuilding orders placed by those Shipbuilders. This factor worked in tandem with profit deterioration caused by high steel plate price and resulted in more rigid review standard implemented by increasing number of financial institutes when issuing Refund Guarantees. Issuing Refund Guarantees has become more difficult especially due to elevated concern for over-investment in equipment followed by excessive supply, as most small-to-middle sized Shipbuilders entered into the market after 2006. This led to drastic decrease in the number of contracts signed and orders placed, and the concern for excessive supply caused by concentration of small-to middle Shipbuilders equipment investment was another reason for avoiding issuance of Refund Guarantees for advances. Possible risks generated by a financial institute issuing Refund Guarantee to a Shipbuilder (especially those risks which might lead to subrogation of the advances already paid) are construction defect on the part of the Shipbuilder, deferred delivery caused by deferred completion and bankruptcy of the Shipbuilder. For Shipbuilders with unhealthy cash flow caused by decreased number of orders and impractical equipment investment, risks such as deferred delivery and bankruptcy are working as the reasons for their failure to acquire Refund Guarantees, which again leads to even more deteriorated cash flow, completing a vicious circle. As long as the current financial instability and drastic decrease of new orders continue, that vicious circle can drive some builders - with insufficient construction/financial resources - into restructuring, which in turn leads to increased risks borne by financial institutes. In legal sense, Refund Guarantee is an independent bank guarantee identical to Performance Guarantee used by abroad construction companies or plants exportation. When a beneficiary demands payment, the guaranty bank must pay the amount regardless of the ship building contract. As charter parties were terminated and ship prices plummeted due to recession of maritime business, there occurred many cases where a Buyer abuse such independence of Refund Guarantee by cancelling the contract and requesting the payment. Many a small-to-middle Shipbuilders are going into bankruptcy because of decreased order following shipbuilding recession, and their difficulty is increased by disputes regarding past Shipbuilding Contracts. The financial institutes' refusal to issue guarantees drove small-to-middle Shipbuilders into grave emergency, which led to restructuring efforts made by those Shipbuilders. However, guarantee insurance for advance refund became a big issue as it dragged down such efforts, which led to contrasting consequences for the banks and insurance companies. As a provision for the possibility of abusing the irrevocable of Refund Guarantee by making wrongful payment request, one needs to have Refund Guarantee Insurance. Especially, characteristics of Refund Guarantee itself necessitate further investigation, as they lead to possible disputes and problems generated by fraudulent request, which actually occur more often than not. Therefore, I argues that there is a great need of research on theories and cases from outside of Korea. Also, while a range of causes can be listed regarding disputes in financial institutes as to who is responsible for advance Refund Guarantee problems, I thinks that the most important cause is the failure to include in the creditors group those insurers and reinsurance companies of advance Refund Guarantees. The existing research on payment of advances refund and methods to retain ensuing indemnity rights is far from being sufficient. Actually, there has been no detailed counter-plan against incidents of insolvency caused by such factors as Shipbuilders' bankruptcy. In this paper, I would like to review several issues surrounding Refund Guarantees which provides vital and significant function for ship building contracts and hinder it at the same time and make suggestions for ways to cope with those issues. I hope this paper will contribute to facilitating successful completion of ship building business and elevating competitiveness of Shipbuilders. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 3 1. 연구범위 3 2. 연구방법 4 제2장 선수금 환급보증서의 개념 및 연혁 5 제1절 선수금 환급보증서의 개념 5 1. 선수금 환급보증서의 의의 5 2. 선박건조계약내의 수출자의 의무위반에 따른 위험 6 3. 위험에 대한 담보제도로서의 환급보증서 8 4. 환급보증서의 종류 8 제2절 유사개념과의 구별 11 1. 독립적 은행보증과 보증신용장의 비교 11 2. 환급보증서(보증신용장)와 화환신용장의 비교 13 3. 환급보증서와 일반적 보증의 비교 20 4. 이행성 보증과 선수금 환급보증서의 비교 23 제3절 선수금 환급보증서의 준거규칙 및 연혁 24 1. 선수금 환급보증서 관련 국제 준거규칙 24 2. 국제 규칙 및 조약상의 발달 25 제3장 선수금 환급보증서의 특성과 법률관계 30 제1절 선수금 환급보증서의 기능과 특성 30 1. 선수금 환급보증서의 기능 30 2. 선수금 환급보증서의 특성과 기본원칙 33 제2절 선수금 환급보증서의 주요 기재사항 41 1. 독립성 명시적 표현 41 2. 원인계약의 설명과 약인 42 3. 보증수익자 43 4. 선행조건 43 5. 유효기간 43 6. 보증금액 및 통화 45 7. 보증한도액의 증액 46 8. 불가항력 조항 46 9. 원인계약의 변경 46 10. 지급기한과 이자 47 11. 양도 및 질권 47 12. 상계 48 13. 준거법 및 재판관할권 48 제3절 선수금 환급보증서상의 법률관계 48 1. 개설신청인과 수익자간의 법률관계 49 2. 개설신청인과 개설은행간의 법률관계 53 3. 개설은행과 수익자간의 법률관계 58 4. 개설은행과 보증보험사간의 관계 62 제4장 선수금 환급보증서의 지급청구와 문제점 64 제1절 선수금 환급보증서의 지급청구 64 1. 보증의무의 성격 64 2. 보증금 지급청구 65 3. 보증인의 심사의무 66 제2절 보증급 지급거절 81 1. 사기적인 지급청구 82 2. 기타 항변사유 84 제3절 환급보증서의 문제점 및 대처방안 84 1. 환급보증서의 문제점 85 2. 대처방안 87 제4절 선수금 환급보증서 지급청구 관련 사례 90 1. 중소조선사 워크아웃에 따른 환급보증서의 지급청구 90 2. 조선소와 선주의 다툼에 관련된 환급보증서 지급청구 92 3. 환급보증서 관련 판례 분석(영국 판례) 95 제5장 결 론 98 참 고 문 헌 101 A B S T R A C T 104 <그림 차례> 그림 1 6 그림 2 14 그림 3 63 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 선박 건조계약상 선수금환급보증서에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study of Refund Guarantee in Shipbuilding Contracts -
dc.type Thesis - 2012-08 -
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