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신발産業의 네트워크組織에 관한 實證硏究

DC Field Value Language 오경태 - 2017-02-22T06:28:50Z - 2017-02-22T06:28:50Z - 2007 - 56850-02-09 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Currently, Many footwear companies in Busan have chosen the cooperation relationship through the network organization as a way to survive in dynamic changing business environment. This situation needs to understand the meaning or significance of network organization, main theories with construction of network, many studies concerning relationship quality and effectiveness of network organization. The research problem of this study are two issues about how do which factors constructing network organization effect on the relationship commitments of it, and how do those commitments effect on the effectiveness of it. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study is to verify empirically the mechanism of the network organization in Korean footwear industry, focused on relationship among firms participating in the network. To achieve the purpose, first of all, this study reviewed theoretical background about network organization theories through many empirical papers and theoretical literatures. And nextly, the research model and hypotheses of this study are established after examining several studies about construction of network, relationship commitment and performance of network. The model is as follows: Influencing Factors of Constructing Network OrganizationCommitment of Network OrganizationEffectiveness of Network Organization ●Trust ●Information Sharing ●Market Competition ●Interdependence ●Transaction Cost of the Market ●Relationship Cooperation ●Relationship Intensification ●Relationship Satisfaction ●Relationship Continuance According to this research model, the following hypotheses are able to be developed for the statistical tests: Hypothesis 1: The influencing factors of constructing network organization would have an effect on positively the relationship commitment of network organization in footwear industry. Hypothesis 2: The relationship commitment of network organization would have an effect on positively the effectiveness of network organization in footwear industry. The result of statistical analysis shows the basis to be able to adopt hypothesis 1 and 2 by the structural equation modeling. It is clear therefore the analytic result shows considerable statistical significance. The result of test in hypothesis 1 shows that when trust, information sharing between participated firms, circumstances of market competition, and interdependence with partner firm at influencing factors of constructing network are higher, relationship commitment of network organization would be higher. However it shows that the factor of market transaction cost does not effect on relationship commitment. The result of test in hypothesis 2 shows that when the relationship commitment is higher, relationship satisfaction and continuance of network organization would be higher. This means the relationship commitment leads positive effect on effectiveness of network organization. The analytic result is very simple to implicate on introduction, construction and development of network organization in footwear industry. If the network organization needs to increase competitiveness of footwear industry, it should be comprehended the fact that constructing trust with member of network organization, adequate information sharing, control of competitive situation, and recognition of interdependence in network as influencing factors in construction of network organization have an effect on relationship commitment. This result is not to say that a necessity of networking, it just shows conclusion that relationship management focused on those factors would be increased the network organization effectiveness through relationship commitment in footwear industry. With conclusion, aspect of the participated firms in footwear industry, the result of this study means the role of the commitment is important in the structure of network construction and relationship satisfaction and continuance. Also the same result with many other studies in relationship and network organization gives many things in network practice of footwear industry. Although the study about the network organization of footwear industry is not enough, this study has a certain meaningfulness and the result would contributes in study of network organization of footwear industry. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Ⅰ. 서론 = 1 1. 연구의 필요성과 연구목적 = 1 2. 연구방법과 범위 = 3 Ⅱ. 연구의 이론적 배경 = 6 1. 네트워크조직 이론 = 6 1) 네트워크조직의 의의 = 6 2) 네트워크조직의 형성 = 7 2. 네트워크조직과 관계몰입 = 30 1) 관계의 질과 관계몰입 = 31 2) 관계몰입의 구성요인 = 33 3. 관계몰입과 네트워크조직 유효성 = 36 Ⅲ. 우리나라 신발산업의 현황 = 38 1. 국내 신발산업의 개관 = 38 1) 신발산업의 특징 및 발전추세 = 38 2) 국내 신발산업 현황 = 42 3) 우리나라 신발산업의 SWOT분석 = 53 2. 부산신발산업의 재구조화와 지역노동시장의 변화 = 56 Ⅳ. 연구설계 = 61 1. 연구모형 = 61 2. 연구가설 = 64 1) 연구가설 1 = 64 2) 연구가설 2 = 68 3. 변수의 조작적 정의 = 70 1) 네트워크조직 형성 영향요인 = 70 2) 관계몰입 = 72 3) 네트워크조직 유효성 = 73 Ⅴ. 실증 분석 = 75 1. 조사개요와 자료 분석 = 75 2. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 = 78 1) 신뢰성 검증 = 78 2) 타당성 검증 = 79 3. 가설검정 = 86 4. 분석결과의 해석 = 94 Ⅵ. 결론 = 96 참고문헌 = 100 ABSTRACT = 111 부록(설문지) = 114 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 신발産業의 네트워크組織에 관한 實證硏究 -
dc.title.alternative An Empirical Study of the Network Organization in Korean Footwear Industry -
dc.type Thesis - 2007-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Oh -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kyung-Tae -
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해운경영학과 > Thesis
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