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어선안전에 관한 국제협약의 동향과 우리나라 대응방안 (1993년도 토레몰리노스 어선안전협약 의정서를 중심으로)

DC Field Value Language 연효흠 - 2017-02-22T06:30:55Z - 2017-02-22T06:30:55Z - 2008 - 56877-07-05 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Fishing has always been, and continues to be a dangerous occupation. While risk will always be an inherent part of fishing, measures to reduce risks at sea have had some success, particularly in the technologically advanced parts of the world. Nevertheless, fishing still holds the record as the most dangerous occupation pursued by man. One of the basic obstacles to improved safety is the fact that, in most places, safety measures have been carried out on a voluntary basis. Regulations covering the construction and equipment of larger vessels generally exempt vessels under 24m and in most countries safety education and training are still not obligatory. In this paper it is argued that safety at sea should be reinforced 1993 Torremolinos Protocol('93 Protocol') by IMO(International Maritime Organization) with regulations amendment. Many international laws and regulations on international fishing vessels safety including '93 Protocol and Work in fishing convention 2007(ILO Convention No.188) by ILO(International Labour Organization) have significant impact on national fishing industry because they are of mandatory nature that it is almost impossible for the fishing vessels to navigate & operate without complying such regulations, furthermore scope of such regulations may expands even to small fishing vessels. Accordingly, considering such impact, most advanced countries in maritime and fishery industry actively involve from the legislative stage of such regulations and carefully review before rectification or reservation even after entering into any related conventions. In contrast, Republic of Korea('ROK') holds poorly structured system for its fishing vessel that it is not even a member of most international conventions on fishing vessels and the international maritime conventions regarding on fishing vessels safety and training rectified are not under appropriate management. However, The '93 Protocol has serious defect to be applied internationally because at the time of drafting, only European standards for fishing vessel types and working area conditions were taken into consideration. Also 1974 SOLAS(International convention for the safety of life at sea by IMO) which was the parent-body of the '93 Protocol was established 14 years ago that it does not rightfully represent present maritime environments. IMO strongly demands its member countries to rectify the '93 Protocol but perceiving such problem, it also promotes new enactment or amendment of the '93 Protocol and enactment of ILO Convention No.188 is expected to accelerate such process. In order for ROK to actively participate in such international trend, it is recommended that ROK, above all, advocates amendment of the Protocol. Detailed action plans can be as follows -
dc.description.abstract lastly, in long-term view, it should step forward to organize Pan-Asian forums for the fishing vessel safety to further systematically cope with the European countries logic. -
dc.description.abstract Firstly, ROK should closely observe to understand the trend of international institutes in relation to maritime and fishery industry and continuously study on such movement. Secondly, organize international forums consisting of experts on fishing vessel safety from ROK, China and Japan in order to give organized response to any changes or movement of such institutions -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 Abstract 제1장 서론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 4 제2장 어선안전관리에 관한 국제적 규제 5 제1절 국제어선 사고의 실태 5 Ⅰ. 국제 어업분야 사고 통계 5 Ⅱ. 어업 사고관련 보고의 불완전성 6 Ⅲ. 사고 인과관계 모델(Reason's Model)을 통한 위험 요소 분석 7 Ⅳ. 어선사고의 본질적 위험요소 10 제2절 국제기구별 어선안전 규정 현황 11 Ⅰ. IMO 규정 12 Ⅱ. ILO 통합어선원노동협약 24 Ⅲ. UN 해양법협약 31 Ⅳ. FAO 규정 32 제3장 어선안전에 관한 국제협약과 여타 IMO협약과의 관계 40 제1절 발전 과정 40 Ⅰ. 어선안전에 관한 첫번째 도약 40 Ⅱ. IMO의 어선안전에 관한 전문위원회 구성 40 Ⅲ. 어선안전에 대한 국제기구의 협력 41 Ⅳ. 국제협약의 제정 42 제2절 협약의 주요 내용 42 Ⅰ. 토레몰리노스의정서 적용 대상 및 발효 요건 42 Ⅱ. 동아시아 지역 기준 43 Ⅲ. 국제어선안전증서 및 항만국통제 44 제3절 어선안전협약과 IMO 협약과의 관계 48 Ⅰ. 선원의 훈련, 자격증명 및 당직근무 48 Ⅱ. 선박의 항해장비 및 관련 규정 49 Ⅲ. 국제해상충돌방지규칙 50 Ⅳ. 해양환경 보호조치 50 Ⅴ. 어선의 복원성 51 Ⅵ. 묘박 및 계류 설비 53 Ⅶ. 어선원의 안전 및 건강 54 제4장 우리나라의 대응방안 및 기대효과 55 제1절 기술적 대응방안 55 Ⅰ. 어선선형 및 작업구역의 차이 55 Ⅱ. 협약집행의 실효성 61 Ⅲ. 어선척수 변화에 따른 발효요건 개정 63 제2절 정책적 대응방안 67 Ⅰ. 어선안전협약 가입국과의 입장 차이 67 Ⅱ. SOLAS 등 IMO 협약의 진화 69 Ⅲ. 국제 어선관련 규정의 제·개정 움직임 70 제3절 협약 발효 후 기대효과 71 Ⅰ. 수산 부문의 효과 73 Ⅱ. 해사 안전부문의 효과 75 제5장 결론 78 참고문헌 80 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 어선안전에 관한 국제협약의 동향과 우리나라 대응방안 (1993년도 토레몰리노스 어선안전협약 의정서를 중심으로) -
dc.title.alternative International Trend of Regulation on Fishing Vessel Safety and It's Countermeasures (Focused on The Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977) -
dc.type Thesis - 2008-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Yeon -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Hyo-Hum -
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