Many modern civilizations are doing economical activities at the ocean more frequently than ever. At home and abroad, conflicts in interests are increasing among the neighboring nations, reflecting the emphasis of ocean development, such as the acquisition of ocean resources. In addition, the demand of the K.C.G. (Korea Coast Guard) is drastically increasing due to a number of government-led ocean protection policies and the proclamation of EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) among Korea, China, and Japan, which brought in the expansion of administrative ocean zone.
The K.C.G. comes to the center of protecting ocean sovereignty as well as supporting the value-adding process with numerous duties, such as security enhancement, environmental conservation, and resource management of the ocean.
The K.C.G. is being asked to provide the fishermen, main clients of it, with the proper information management from their standpoint. As the importance of ocean resource multiplies, the demands from the clients are getting diversified and their expectations higher along with ocean activities. Therefore, The constant increase of activities in both visible and invisible forms has expanded the needs of security enforcement in the ocean.
In response to the demands of security and safety in the ocean, the K.C.G. is providing the ocean security service supplying the demands in real-time by installing police stations with many subordinate branch offices along the coastal area.
However, due to the limited budgets and resources available, providing high-quality security services has its limits .
This research, thereby, proposes plausible direction of the standard service model of K.C.G. for the change from the operation-oriented service to the client-oriented service at the Fishing ports through the efficient allocation and distribution of the resources available.
Chapter 1 describes the background, objective, scale, and the method of research, followed by Chapter 2 analyzing the current operational status of the K.C.G. by classifying the volunteer activities of fishery-related operation, security and safety security issues, environmental protection, and other public cooperation. Chapter 3 clarifies the friendly relations with the public in order to exam the fishermen's awareness of the K.C.G. based on the four main indices: the level of satisfaction, credibility, awareness and friendliness. Feasible implications were derived from the survey of the fishery workers and the analysis of those indices. Next, Chapter 4 surveys and analyzes the current, required, and demanded workloads and achievement of K.C.G. at Fishing ports by classifying its operations in 7 fields, including ocean security, then by using a calculating formula. Chapter 5 and the last chapter present a model regarding the standardization of the services at Fishing ports in terms of organization, operational resources, education, and improvement of awareness, etc. Thus, they cover the conversion of the operational system services from unit-oriented ones to client-oriented, function-oriented, and the region-oriented ones based on the result of the previous researches.
This conversion has proposed the characteristics and functions of the operational, organizational model of the K.C.G. in towns and cities, which was integrated systematically and functionally. Besides, the prediction of officer education are presented, which is necessary in organizing the manpower and equipment and doing the client-oriented services to deal with the changes in security environment of the future and provide the demander-oriented security services around each police station. Also, another model is presented to promote the insufficient awareness of the operations of K.C.G. at Fishing ports.
The newly developed service standard model is expected to upgrade the recognition of the Fishing port users for K.C.G., because this system can cope with the accidents and crimes more quickly and provide region-close services by turning the previous separated and unorganized operations into each regional operational unit. Furthermore, this model suggests further development of standard model by taking a regionally limited examination and analysis on current operational status, awareness and other factors.
Although there is a limit to applying the currently proposed model to the entire fishing ports in the nation at this point, we can expect the great chance of establishing the customized standard model of the K.C.G.'s security service that will be able to be applied to the each Fishing port in Korea before long. And it can be accomplished by reapplying current research to larger scopes by the types of the Fishing ports, body of the water, then building the methods which make it possible to standardize the operations of the K.C.G in quality and quantity nationwide. Finally, the service standardization is expected to make more efficient the allocation of the limited resources of the K.C.G. and improve the operational efficiency.