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우리나라 글로벌 물류네트워크의 전략적 발전 방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 이국동 - 2017-02-22T06:46:18Z - 2017-02-22T06:46:18Z - 2007 - 56877-06-13 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how both domestic and foreign logistics companies build their global logistics networks in the rapidly-changing global logistics industry, and to suggest strategic development plans of building the global logistics networks for Korean companies according to priority. For this purpose, this study reviewed previous study and conducted market research. Then this study raised present problems in the global logistics networks. As a problem solving approach, this study used in-depth surveys and SWOT/AHP statistical method to suggest strategic development plans of building the global logistics networks according to priority. To overcome theoretic vulnerability resulted from previous research, this study also used and considered various complementary measures such as field experiences, international seminars and advices from governmental organizations and academic institutes. According to the comprehensive data analysis, the relative importance measures of SWOT group showed in order of importance: Opportunity(0.342), Strength(0.319), Threat(0.179), and Weakness(0.161). According to priority by detailed assessment of SWOT group, a government's will("Opportunity factor") to promote logistics industry is considered as the top priority. The second is the world-class level of logistics infrastructure("Strength factor"), the third is a government's will to develop logistics infrastructure("Opportunity factor"), while the competitiveness in airport and seaport("Strength factor") is the fourth, FTA("Opportunity factor") is the fifth and the next is the IT-based infrastructure("Strength factor"). Based on such practical analyses, the development plans to build up global logistics networks can be suggested as followings -
dc.description.abstract and - Fourth: T/W strategy to construct and raise efficiency of logistics information system, logistics standardization as well as to proceed advancement policy in logistics industry. As stated above, this study analyzes various factors affecting logistics industry under SWOT group, thus to draw out priority by SWOT factors. Also, to avoid simple enumeration of plain problem-solving theories, this study tried to differentiate itself from the existing studies by using practical and theoretical implications applying SWOT/AHP method. As the result, this study could suggest strategic development plans of building the global logistics network for Korean companies according to priority. However, because of the insufficient data available on this case study regarding global networks of logistics companies, it is obliged to admit that there still remain some limits in finding the solutions to every problems. Further studies on global logistics network should be conducted with various and in-depth analysis on hierarchial subdivision by company size and logistics service user/provider. -
dc.description.abstract - Third: T/S Strategy to make logistics industry to be specialized and to improve structure of domestic logistics industry -
dc.description.abstract - Second: O/W strategy to attract global logistics companies into domestic market and to support domestic logistics company to grow a global logistics provider -
dc.description.abstract - First: the O/T strategy to build and connect logistics infrastructure -
dc.description.tableofcontents < 목 차 > 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 3 제2장 글로벌 물류네트워크의 이론적 고찰 5 제1절 무역환경 및 해운항만환경의 변화 5 1. 무역환경의 변화 5 2. 해운항만환경의 변화 7 제2절 글로벌 물류네트워크 및 물류 공동체의 현황 18 1. 글로벌 물류네트워크의 현황 18 2. 글로벌 물류공동체 현황 20 3. 글로벌 물류네트워크의 변화 23 제3절 글로벌 물류네트워크 구축 사례 27 1. 외국 물류기업의 구축 사례 27 2. 한국 물류기업의 구축 사례 38 제4절 글로벌 물류네트워크 구축의 문제점 47 제5절 선행연구 58 제3장 글로벌 물류네트워크의 모형 구축 61 제1절 SWOT/AHP의 이론적 배경 61 1. AHP의 이론 61 2. SWOT의 이론 66 3. SWOT/AHP의 이론 68 제2절 계층분석구조의 모형 구축 69 1. SWOT 매트릭스 평가속성 요인의 도출 69 2. 계층분석구조의 모형 구축 72 제4장 실증 분석 75 제1절 설문의 목적과 구성 75 1. 설문 분석의 목적 75 2. 설문의 구성 75 3. 표본의 크기 및 수집 76 제2절 실증 분석 결과 78 1. SWOT 그룹 분석 78 2. SWOT 세부평가 요인 분석 79 3. 세부평가 요인별 최종 우선순위 도출 84 제3절 글로벌 물류네트워크의 전략적 발전 방안 87 1. 물류기반시설의 구축 및 연계운송망의 구축(O/S 전략) 90 2. 세계적 물류전문기업의 유치 및 국제물류전문기업의 육성(O/W 전략) 94 3. 물류산업의 전문화 추진 및 국내물류산업구조의 개선(T/S 전략) 97 4. 물류정보화&#8228 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제도 선진화 추진(T/W 전략) 99 제5장 결 론 103 제1절 요약 103 제2절 연구의 시사점 및 향후 연구 방향 106 참고 문헌 108 Abstract 112 < 부 록 > : 설문지 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 표준화 효율성 제고 및 정책&#8228 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 산업대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 글로벌 물류네트워크의 전략적 발전 방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Stratetegic Development Plan of the Global Logistics Network for Korean Companies -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName LEE KOOK DONG -
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