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우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 전략

DC Field Value Language 김길영 - 2017-02-22T06:47:57Z - 2017-02-22T06:47:57Z - 2016 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Abstract Recently, the global cosmetics industry has continued to grow fast despite the global economic crisis since 2008. Especially Korean cosmetics has gained tremendous popularity in foreign markets due to Korean wave. In Korea, deepening competition in cosmetics market and various government supports for industry have encouraged Korean cosmetics companies to expand their business to foreign markets. Under this circumstance, the purpose of this study is to build overseas market expansion strategies of Korean cosmetics companies focused on China market. In order to achieve the purpose, first, this study analyzed the trends and the current states of the global cosmetics industry. Second, this study carried out the case analysis on the overseas markets entry focused on Amorepacific and LG Household & Healthcare which have represented Korean cosmetics companies. Third, this study used the SWOT analytical method so as to analyze the competitiveness of Korean cosmetics companies in China market. Finally, Based on SWOT analysis, this study established overseas market expansion strategies of Korean cosmetics companies focused on China market. In summary, the results of SWOT analysis were as follows: 1) Strength : the capabilities of innovative product development, Marketing in connection with Korean wave content, Superior quality compared to the relatively low price competitiveness, excellent telecommunications infrastructure, competitive advantage of basic cosmetics department, holding excellent producing facilities, etc. 2) Weakness : the relative lack of competitiveness in color cosmetics and perfume areas, limit of the growth in domestic market, intensified brand bias of some large corporations, the lack of capital needed for global expansion, etc. 3) Opportunites : growth of China and the Southeast Asian market & expectations of demand in men, middle·old age, baby sector, increased interest on Korean Therapy such as herbal ingredients, enlarge of online and mobile shopping market in China, Japan cosmetics weakness, tariff reduction for cosmetics, etc. 4) Threats : pursuit of Chinese local companies, increased competition due to the entry of global companies in China, uncertainty of Korean wave, competitive price decline due to depreciation of euro and yen currency, the possibility of a government regulations, etc. Consequently, overseas market expansion strategies of Korean cosmetics companies focused on China market established as follows: 1) SO strategy : market segmentation strategy, product differentiation strategy, Product promotion strategy 2) ST strategy : market diversification strategy, localization Strategy, Advanced product strategy 3) WO strategy : branding strategy, online market expansion strategy, product diversification strategy 4) WT strategy : joint venture with local partner strategy, the advancement of the domestic regulatory framework strategy, competitiveness of quality strategies by R&D support -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 표 목차 ⅲ 그림 목차 ⅳ Abstract ⅴ 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 3 제2장 선행연구 및 이론적 배경 4 제1절 우리나라 화장품 업체의 해외진출에 관한 선행연구 4 제2절 기업의 해외진출에 관한 이론적 배경 6 1. 기업의 해외시장 진출 동기 6 2. 해외직접투자의 유형 9 제3장 우리나라 화장품기업의 동향 및 해외진출 사례분석 11 제1절 국·내외 화장품 시장 동향 11 1. 세계 화장품시장 동향 11 2. 중국 화장품시장 동향 19 3. 국내 화장품산업 동향 28 제2절 우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 사례 분석 40 1. 우리나라 화장품기업의 매출액 추이 40 2. 우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 사례 41 제4장 우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 전략 57 제1절 우리나라 화장품기업의 SWOT분석 57 1. SWOT분석 방법의 기초요소 57 2. 우리나라 화장품기업의 SWOT분석 58 제2절 우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 전략 65 1. SO전략(내부 강점 및 외부 기회 전략) 66 2. ST전략(내부 강점 및 외부 위협 전략) 67 3. WO전략(내부 약점 및 외부 기회 전략) 68 4. WT전략(내부 약점 및 외부 위협전략) 69 제5장 결론 71 제1절 연구요약 및 시사점 71 제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 74 <참고문헌> 76 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 화장품기업의 해외진출 전략 -
dc.title.alternative Overseas Market Expansion Strategies of Korean Cosmetics Companies -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
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경제산업학과 > Thesis
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