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海洋레저스포츠産業發展戰略에 관한 硏究

DC Field Value Language 이진모 - 2017-02-22T07:22:39Z - 2017-02-22T07:22:39Z - 2009 - 56904-11-24 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The interest in the marine leisure sports is rapidly growing with increments of the leisure time due to the five-day working a week and the increased GDP. The regional governments are trying to attract massive investments into the marine leisure industry through holding promotional events such as international leisure exhibitions and yacht rallies. However, the domestic demands for marine leisure sports substantially didn't increase comparing with those of the advanced countries. Currently, few studies have been made on the industrial factors for the promotions of the marine leisure sports but on the aspects of sport activities. In this study, the environmental factors on the marine leisure sports have been investigated and compared with those of the advanced countries by utilizing pre-established data and information. Furthermore, the recognition level, the determinant factors and selection intentions of the domestic people on the marine leisure sports have been investigated to examine the current status and future perspectives of marine leisure sport participation. Additionally, the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) questionnaire has been made through a panel of the experts in marine leisure sports, and the AHP analysis have been made to provide suggestions for vitalizations on the marine leisure sports industry. First of all, the environmental factors on the marine leisure sports have been investigated through the correlation analyses between the number of the leisure boats(yacht and motor boat) per 1,000 persons and the environmental factors of industries. It has been founded that the number of the leisure boats(yacht and motor boat) per 1,000 persons has shown substantially significant correlations with eight major factors, such as the GDP per capita, the quality of life, the interests in health·safety·environments, the lengths of coastal line, and the efficiencies of the government policies. Especially, the eight factors showed relatively high scores in the advanced countries of marine sports, such as Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, USA and the Netherlands. In other words, such countries had generally a large number of leisure sport boats. This finding implies that the recognitions on the social environments for the marine leisure sports should be improved, and the relaxations of the laws and the regulations in marine leisure sports to be revised in order to facilitate the further development of the industry well as. Through the investigations on the recognitions of the non-marine-sports-users and the actual users, it has shown that the general public, currently unexperienced people, intend to spend their time for the beauty of scenery and the family's recreations. On the contrary, it has shown that the actual users are mainly spending their time with sports manias and sports clubs. It has shown that 74.0% of the general public spends less than ₩100,000 for one time, and 80.8% of them expects to spend less than ₩1,000,000 a year. 54.4% of the actual users spend their marine leisure activity within ₩1,000,000 per year. For the periods of leisure time and the places, it has shown that both the general public and marine sports users want to enjoy one-day leisure sports(including moving and playing time), which implies that the most appropriate places for the marina regions are within 2-hours by one-way trip and have attractions such as beautiful scenery. The investigations on the future intentions of using the marine leisure sports have shown that the two group have got the identical main purposes. They want to spend their time not only for the sports itself but also for the varied leisure activities such as relaxations, travels, leisures, businesses and etc. Finally, AHP analyses have shown the importance of the way of vitalization on marine leisure sports industry. Especially, in terms of the relative importance among developmental strategy factors, the establishment of facilities infrastructure had the highest importance, following by the revision of laws and systems, the promotion of social-culture foundation and the further development of associated technologies. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 서론 = 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 필요성 = 1 1.2 연구의 목적 = 4 1.3 연구의 방법 및 체계 = 7 제 2 장 해양레저스포츠산업의 특성과 현황 = 10 2.1 해양레저스포츠산업의 특성 = 10 2.1.1 해양레저스포츠산업의 개념 = 10 2.1.2 해양레저스포츠산업의 중요성 = 14 2.2 해양레저스포츠산업의 연구 현황 = 18 2.3 우리나라 해양레저스포츠산업의 현황 = 21 2.3.1 기반현황 = 21 2.3.2 관련 법규 현황 = 27 2.3.3 관련 정부 부처별 기능 = 32 2.4 세계 해양레저스포츠산업의 현황 = 33 2.4.1 세계 해양레저스포츠산업 규모 및 기반현황 = 33 2.4.2 국가별 해양레저스포츠산업 현황 = 37 2.5 세계 주요국과 우리나라의 해양레저스포츠 수요특성 비교 = 47 제 3 장 해양레저스포츠산업의 환경분석 = 51 3.1 해양레저스포츠산업의 환경분석 체계 = 51 3.1.1 산업환경 분석체계 = 51 3.1.2 해양레저스포츠산업 환경요인 = 57 3.2 해양레저스포츠산업의 환경분석 = 58 3.2.1 레저보트 보유 척수(천명당)와 환경변수간의 상관관계 분석 = 59 3.2.2 레저보트 보유 척수와 세부 환경변수에 대한 국가별 분석 = 62 3.3 요약 = 71 제 4 장 해양레저스포츠의 수요 분석 = 73 4.1 이론적 배경 및 연구개요 = 73 4.1.1 이론적 배경 = 73 4.1.2 설문지 구성, 조사 및 자료분석 방법 = 76 4.1.3 인구통계 특성 = 76 4.2 잠재 수요자인 일반인의 해양레저스포츠 수요분석 = 79 4.2.1 해양레저스포츠에 대한 인식 = 79 4.2.2 해양레저스포츠에 대한 향후 소비특성 = 82 4.2.3 해양레저스포츠에 대한 선택속성 = 87 4.3 이용자들의 해양레저스포츠 수요분석 = 90 4.3.1 해양레저스포츠에 대한 소비특성 = 90 4.3.2 해양레저스포츠에 대한 선택속성 = 94 4.4 이용자들이 인식하는 해양레저스포츠 전망 및 활성화 = 98 4.4.1 해양레저스포츠 전망 = 98 4.4.2 해양레저스포츠 활성화 저해요인 = 101 4.4.3 해양레저스포츠 활성화 요인 = 104 4.5 요약 = 105 제 5 장 해양레저스포츠산업의 활성화 전략 = 108 5.1 활성화 방안 중요도 평가를 위한 의사결정방법론(AHP) = 108 5.1.1 계층분석적 의사결정방법론(AHP) 개요 = 108 5.1.2 계층분석적 의사결정방법론(AHP)을 이용한 활성화 방안 분석 = 113 5.2 계층분석적 의사결정방법론(AHP) 분석결과 = 116 5.2.1 계층별 평가 = 116 5.2.2 활성화 방안의 중요도 종합과 평가 = 118 5.3 해양레저스포츠산업의 활성화 전략 = 120 5.3.1 요트 정박시설 구축 = 121 5.3.2 세제개선 및 금융·보험 지원체계 구축 = 122 5.3.3 선진국 수준의 규제완화(검사, 운항, 자격 등) = 123 5.3.4 국민의식 개선(체육교과 과정 개선 등) = 124 5.4 요약 = 125 제 6 장 결론 = 128 6.1 연구의 결과 = 128 6.2 연구의 시사점 및 향후 과제 = 132 참고문헌 = 134 부록 = 139 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 海洋레저스포츠産業發展戰略에 관한 硏究 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Developmental Strategies for Marine Leisure Sports Industry -
dc.type Thesis - 2009-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Lee -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jin Mo -
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