In the traditional bureaucratic organization, leaders' primary job was used to control the members in order to maintain their status and resposibility but corresponding to the latest fast environmental change, leader have an effective command technique and leadership.In this expectation, military leaders are better off to possess the effective leadership which be correlated in a current changing flow and its circumstances.
The leadership in military, it is the role of commanders and seniors which derives and controls the subordinate to achieve military's target efficiently and also be active of the participants and their contribution. It is the process which commanders can lead subordinate's mind and behavior wants to his direction.
Today, The military have been in big change such as manpower reduction, and deterioration of discipline. It is leader's role to change a crisis to a opportunity.
The purpose of this paper is to search how an leadership type affects the members attitude of the organization, to find out congruence between leadership situation and leadership type and to examine fitness of Transformational -transactional Leadership and member's attitude to morale and satisfaction of duty by using the above congruence. For this purpose this study has used the typical approach as an exploralical study in order to find if the leadership situation is an important factor to affect the leadership. Especially in this study, the the types of leadership situation is divided on the basis of Fiedler & Garcia(1987) model and leadership type is divided on the basis of Bass(1985) model. and empirically examined the the congruence on types between them.